j’ai créer ma dimension et tout
mais quand je passe le portail je suis teleporter tout marche mais le monde est semblable au normal alors que j’ao modifié les blocs remplacer la stone la dirt etcj’aimerais bien savoir si il y a quelque chose a modifier pour choisir la dimension dans laquelle sa nous teleporte
je pense que sa me teleporte dans le monde normal
je sais passinon c’est dans quel fichier qu’on modifie l’id de la dimension dans la quelle se tp
Classe de ton bloc ?
le bloc portail ?
package Universe.dimension.moon; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityAnimal; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.Icon; import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess; import net.minecraft.world.World; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import Universe.dimension.moon.RessourceWorldTeleporter; public class BlockMoonPortal extends Block { public BlockMoonPortal(int id) { super(id, Material.portal); this.setTickRandomly(true); this.setStepSound(soundGlassFootstep); this.setLightValue(0.75F); } public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int x, int y, int z) { float f; float f1; if(iblockaccess.getBlockId(x - 1, y, z) != this.blockID && iblockaccess.getBlockId(x + 1, y, z) != this.blockID) { f = 0.125F; f1 = 0.5F; this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f1, 0.5F + f, 1.0F, 0.5F + f1); } else { f = 0.5F; f1 = 0.125F; this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f1, 0.5F + f, 1.0F, 0.5F + f1); } } public void setBlockBoundsForItemRender() { float f1 = 0.125F; this.setBlockBounds(0, 0.0F, 0.5F - f1, 1F, 1.0F, 0.5F + f1); } public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z) { return null; } public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, int blockid) { int y2 = y; while(world.getBlockId(x, y2, z) == this.blockID) { y2–; } if(world.getBlockId(x, y2, z) != Block.blockLapis.blockID) { world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z); } int y3 = y2 + 1; boolean portalisgood = false; if(world.getBlockId(x, y3, z + 1) == this.blockID) { portalisgood = (world.getBlockId(x, y2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2, z + 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 1, z + 2) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 2, z + 2) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 3, z + 2) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 1, z - 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 2, z - 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 3, z - 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 4, z - 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 4, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID); } else if(world.getBlockId(x, y3, z - 1) == this.blockID) { portalisgood = (world.getBlockId(x, y2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2, z - 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 1, z - 2) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 2, z - 2) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 3, z - 2) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 1, z + 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 2, z + 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 3, z + 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 4, z + 1) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 4, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID); } else if(world.getBlockId(x + 1, y3, z) == this.blockID) { portalisgood = (world.getBlockId(x, y2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 1, y2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 2, y2 + 1, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 2, y2 + 2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 2, y2 + 3, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x - 1, y2 + 1, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x - 1, y2 + 2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x - 1, y2 + 3, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 1, y2 + 4, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 4, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID); } else if(world.getBlockId(x - 1, y3, z) == this.blockID) { portalisgood = (world.getBlockId(x, y2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x - 1, y2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x - 2, y2 + 1, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x - 2, y2 + 2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x - 2, y2 + 3, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 1, y2 + 1, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 1, y2 + 2, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 1, y2 + 3, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x + 1, y2 + 4, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID && world.getBlockId(x, y2 + 4, z) == Block.blockLapis.blockID); } if(!portalisgood) { world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z); } } public boolean isOpaqueCube() { return false; } @Override public boolean renderAsNormalBlock() { return false; } public int quantityDropped(Random random) { return 0; } public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity) { if((entity.ridingEntity == null) && (entity.riddenByEntity == null)) { if(entity.dimension != Universe.common.UniverseMain.dimensionID) { if(entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP)entity; if(player.timeUntilPortal > 0) { player.timeUntilPortal = 10; } else { player.timeUntilPortal = 10; player.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension(player, Universe.common.UniverseMain.dimensionID, new RessourceWorldTeleporter(player.mcServer.worldServerForDimension(Universe.common.UniverseMain.dimensionID))); } } else if(!(entity instanceof EntityAnimal)) { entity.travelToDimension(Universe.common.UniverseMain.dimensionID); } } else { if(entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP)entity; if(player.timeUntilPortal > 0) { player.timeUntilPortal = 10; } else { player.timeUntilPortal = 10; player.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension(player, 0, new RessourceWorldTeleporter(player.mcServer.worldServerForDimension(0))); } } else if(!(entity instanceof EntityAnimal)) { entity.travelToDimension(0); } } } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getRenderBlockPass() { return 1; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int idPicked(World world, int x, int y, int z) { return 0; } public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, int side) { super.breakBlock(world, x, y, z, metadata, side); if(world.getBlockId(x, y + 1, z) == this.blockID) { world.setBlockToAir(x, y + 1, z); } if(world.getBlockId(x, y - 1, z) == this.blockID) { world.setBlockToAir(x, y - 1, z); } if(world.getBlockId(x + 1, y, z) == this.blockID) { world.setBlockToAir(x + 1, y, z); } if(world.getBlockId(x - 1, y, z) == this.blockID) { world.setBlockToAir(x - 1, y, z); } if(world.getBlockId(x, y, z + 1) == this.blockID) { world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z + 1); } if(world.getBlockId(x, y, z - 1) == this.blockID) { world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z - 1); } } public Icon getIcon(int side, int metadata) { return Block.portal.getIcon(side, 0); } }
Pourtant tes téléporteurs sont bon, donc c’est pas ça.
Le tp est fait par la fonction onEntityCollidedWithBlock -
hmm c’est quelle classe qui gere “l’apparence” de la dimension ?
De tête, le ChunkProvider ou le WorldProvider.
C’est le WorldProvider a priori mais ce que je n’arrive pas a comprendre c’est pourquoi le monde est identique au monde normal
j’ai juste mon biome qui apparait a certains endroits mais a par sa c’est le meme -
hum, montre ton chunk et world provider?
World Provider :
package Universe.dimension.moon; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3Pool; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider; import net.minecraft.world.biome.WorldChunkManagerHell; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider; public class WorldProviderMoon extends WorldProvider { private float[] colorsSunriseSunset = new float[4]; public void registerWorldChunkManager() { this.worldChunkMgr = new WorldChunkManagerHell(Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonBiome, this.dimensionId, this.dimensionId); this.dimensionId = Universe.common.UniverseMain.dimensionID; this.hasNoSky = true; } public IChunkProvider createChunkGenerator() { return new MoonChunkProvider(this.worldObj, this.worldObj.getSeed(), false); } public int getAverageGroundLevel() { return 0; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean doesXZShowFog(int par1, int par2) { return false; } public String getDimensionName() { return "Moon"; } public boolean renderStars() { return true; } public float getStarBrightness(World world, float f) { return 10.0F; } public boolean renderClouds() { return false; } public boolean renderVoidFog() { return false; } public boolean renderEndSky() { return false; } public float setSunSize() { return 10.0F; } public float setMoonSize() { return 0.0F; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean isSkyColored() { return false; } public boolean canRespawnHere() { return true; } public boolean isSurfaceWorld() { return true; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float getCloudHeight() { return 0.0F; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public String getSunTexture() { return "/Main:TwinSuns.png"; } public boolean canCoordinateBeSpawn(int par1, int par2) { return false; } public ChunkCoordinates getEntrancePortalLocation() { return new ChunkCoordinates(50, 5, 0); } protected void generateLightBrightnessTable() { float f = 12.0F; for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { float f1 = 12.0F - i / 15.0F; this.lightBrightnessTable* = ((1.0F - f1) / (f1 * 3.0F + 1.0F) * (1.0F - f) + f); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public String getWelcomeMessage() { if ((this instanceof WorldProviderMoon)) { return "Entering Moon Dimension"; } return null; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float[] calcSunriseSunsetColors(float par1, float par2) { float f2 = 0.4F; float f3 = MathHelper.cos(par1 * 3.141593F * 2.0F) - 0.0F; float f4 = -0.0F; if ((f3 >= f4 - f2) && (f3 <= f4 + f2)) { float f5 = (f3 - f4) / f2 * 0.5F + 0.5F; float f6 = 1.0F - (1.0F - MathHelper.sin(f5 * 3.141593F)) * 0.99F; f6 *= f6; this.colorsSunriseSunset[0] = (f5 * 0.3F + 0.7F); this.colorsSunriseSunset[1] = (f5 * f5 * 0.7F + 0.2F); this.colorsSunriseSunset[2] = (f5 * f5 * 0.0F + 0.2F); this.colorsSunriseSunset[3] = f6; return this.colorsSunriseSunset; } return null; } public float calculateCelestialAngle(long par1, float par3) { int j = (int)(par1 % 24000L); float f1 = (j + par3) / 24000.0F - 0.25F; if (f1 < 0.0F) { f1 += 1.0F; } if (f1 > 1.0F) { f1 -= 1.0F; } float f2 = f1; f1 = 1.0F - (float)((Math.cos(f1 * 3.141592653589793D) + 1.0D) / 2.0D); f1 = f2 + (f1 - f2) / 3.0F; return f1; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public Vec3 getFogColor(float par1, float par2) { int i = 10518688; float f2 = MathHelper.cos(par1 * 3.141593F * 2.0F) * 2.0F + 0.5F; if (f2 < 0.0F) { f2 = 0.0F; } if (f2 > 1.0F) { f2 = 1.0F; } float f3 = (i >> 16 & 0xFF) / 255.0F; float f4 = (i >> 8 & 0xFF) / 255.0F; float f5 = (i & 0xFF) / 255.0F; f3 *= (f2 * 0.0F + 0.15F); f4 *= (f2 * 0.0F + 0.15F); f5 *= (f2 * 0.0F + 0.15F); return this.worldObj.getWorldVec3Pool().getVecFromPool(f3, f4, f5); } }
Chunk Provider
package Universe.dimension.moon; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockSand; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType; import net.minecraft.util.IProgressUpdate; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.world.ChunkPosition; import net.minecraft.world.SpawnerAnimals; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider; import net.minecraft.world.gen.MapGenBase; import net.minecraft.world.gen.MapGenCaves; import net.minecraft.world.gen.MapGenRavine; import net.minecraft.world.gen.NoiseGeneratorOctaves; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.MapGenScatteredFeature; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenDungeons; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenLakes; import net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenMineshaft; import net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStronghold; import net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenVillage; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.event.Event.Result; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.ChunkProviderEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.PopulateChunkEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen; public class MoonChunkProvider implements IChunkProvider { /** RNG. */ private Random rand; /** A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain */ private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen1; /** A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain */ private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen2; /** A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain */ private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen3; /** A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain */ private NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen4; /** A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain */ public NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen5; /** A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain */ public NoiseGeneratorOctaves noiseGen6; public NoiseGeneratorOctaves mobSpawnerNoise; /** Reference to the World object. */ private World worldObj; /** are map structures going to be generated (e.g. strongholds) */ private final boolean mapFeaturesEnabled; /** Holds the overall noise array used in chunk generation */ private double[] noiseArray; private double[] stoneNoise = new double[256]; private MapGenBase caveGenerator = new MapGenCaves(); /** Holds Stronghold Generator */ private MapGenStronghold strongholdGenerator = new MapGenStronghold(); /** Holds Village Generator */ private MapGenVillage villageGenerator = new MapGenVillage(); /** Holds Mineshaft Generator */ private MapGenMineshaft mineshaftGenerator = new MapGenMineshaft(); private MapGenScatteredFeature scatteredFeatureGenerator = new MapGenScatteredFeature(); /** Holds ravine generator */ private MapGenBase ravineGenerator = new MapGenRavine(); /** The biomes that are used to generate the chunk */ private BiomeGenBase[] biomesForGeneration; /** A double array that hold terrain noise from noiseGen3 */ double[] noise3; /** A double array that hold terrain noise */ double[] noise1; /** A double array that hold terrain noise from noiseGen2 */ double[] noise2; /** A double array that hold terrain noise from noiseGen5 */ double[] noise5; /** A double array that holds terrain noise from noiseGen6 */ double[] noise6; /** * Used to store the 5x5 parabolic field that is used during terrain generation. */ float[] parabolicField; int[][] field_73219_j = new int[32][32]; public MoonChunkProvider(World par1World, long par2, boolean par4) { this.worldObj = par1World; this.mapFeaturesEnabled = par4; this.rand = new Random(par2); this.noiseGen1 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 16); this.noiseGen2 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 16); this.noiseGen3 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 8); this.noiseGen4 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 4); this.noiseGen5 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 10); this.noiseGen6 = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 16); this.mobSpawnerNoise = new NoiseGeneratorOctaves(this.rand, 8); NoiseGeneratorOctaves[] noiseGens = {noiseGen1, noiseGen2, noiseGen3, noiseGen4, noiseGen5, noiseGen6, mobSpawnerNoise}; noiseGens = TerrainGen.getModdedNoiseGenerators(par1World, this.rand, noiseGens); this.noiseGen1 = noiseGens[0]; this.noiseGen2 = noiseGens[1]; this.noiseGen3 = noiseGens[2]; this.noiseGen4 = noiseGens[3]; this.noiseGen5 = noiseGens[4]; this.noiseGen6 = noiseGens[5]; this.mobSpawnerNoise = noiseGens[6]; } /** * Generates the shape of the terrain for the chunk though its all stone though the water is frozen if the * temperature is low enough */ public void generateTerrain(int par1, int par2, byte[] par3ArrayOfByte) { byte b0 = 4; byte b1 = 16; byte b2 = 63; int k = b0 + 1; byte b3 = 17; int l = b0 + 1; this.biomesForGeneration = this.worldObj.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomesForGeneration(this.biomesForGeneration, par1 * 4 - 2, par2 * 4 - 2, k + 5, l + 5); this.noiseArray = this.initializeNoiseField(this.noiseArray, par1 * b0, 0, par2 * b0, k, b3, l); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < b0; ++i1) { for (int j1 = 0; j1 < b0; ++j1) { for (int k1 = 0; k1 < b1; ++k1) { double d0 = 0.125D; double d1 = this.noiseArray[((i1 + 0) * l + j1 + 0) * b3 + k1 + 0]; double d2 = this.noiseArray[((i1 + 0) * l + j1 + 1) * b3 + k1 + 0]; double d3 = this.noiseArray[((i1 + 1) * l + j1 + 0) * b3 + k1 + 0]; double d4 = this.noiseArray[((i1 + 1) * l + j1 + 1) * b3 + k1 + 0]; double d5 = (this.noiseArray[((i1 + 0) * l + j1 + 0) * b3 + k1 + 1] - d1) * d0; double d6 = (this.noiseArray[((i1 + 0) * l + j1 + 1) * b3 + k1 + 1] - d2) * d0; double d7 = (this.noiseArray[((i1 + 1) * l + j1 + 0) * b3 + k1 + 1] - d3) * d0; double d8 = (this.noiseArray[((i1 + 1) * l + j1 + 1) * b3 + k1 + 1] - d4) * d0; for (int l1 = 0; l1 < 8; ++l1) { double d9 = 0.25D; double d10 = d1; double d11 = d2; double d12 = (d3 - d1) * d9; double d13 = (d4 - d2) * d9; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 4; ++i2) { int j2 = i2 + i1 * 4 << 11 | 0 + j1 * 4 << 7 | k1 * 8 + l1; short short1 = 128; j2 -= short1; double d14 = 0.25D; double d15 = (d11 - d10) * d14; double d16 = d10 - d15; for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 4; ++k2) { if ((d16 += d15) > 0.0D) { par3ArrayOfByte[j2 += short1] = (byte)Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonStone.blockID; } else if (k1 * 8 + l1 < b2) { par3ArrayOfByte[j2 += short1] = (byte)Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonStone.blockID; } else { par3ArrayOfByte[j2 += short1] = 0; } } d10 += d12; d11 += d13; } d1 += d5; d2 += d6; d3 += d7; d4 += d8; } } } } } /** * Replaces the stone that was placed in with blocks that match the biome */ public void replaceBlocksForBiome(int par1, int par2, byte[] par3ArrayOfByte, BiomeGenBase[] par4ArrayOfBiomeGenBase) { ChunkProviderEvent.ReplaceBiomeBlocks event = new ChunkProviderEvent.ReplaceBiomeBlocks(this, par1, par2, par3ArrayOfByte, par4ArrayOfBiomeGenBase); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(event); if (event.getResult() == Result.DENY) return; byte b0 = 63; double d0 = 0.03125D; this.stoneNoise = this.noiseGen4.generateNoiseOctaves(this.stoneNoise, par1 * 16, par2 * 16, 0, 16, 16, 1, d0 * 2.0D, d0 * 2.0D, d0 * 2.0D); for (int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) { for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) { BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = par4ArrayOfBiomeGenBase[l + k * 16]; float f = biomegenbase.getFloatTemperature(); int i1 = (int)(this.stoneNoise[k + l * 16] / 3.0D + 3.0D + this.rand.nextDouble() * 0.25D); int j1 = -1; byte b1 = biomegenbase.topBlock; byte b2 = biomegenbase.fillerBlock; for (int k1 = 127; k1 >= 0; –k1) { int l1 = (l * 16 + k) * 128 + k1; if (k1 <= 0 + this.rand.nextInt(5)) { par3ArrayOfByte[l1] = (byte)Block.bedrock.blockID; } else { byte b3 = par3ArrayOfByte[l1]; if (b3 == 0) { j1 = -1; } else if (b3 == Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonStone.blockID) { if (j1 == -1) { if (i1 <= 0) { b1 = (byte)Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonTurf.blockID; b2 = (byte)Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonStone.blockID; } else if (k1 >= b0 - 4 && k1 <= b0 + 1) { b1 = biomegenbase.topBlock; b2 = biomegenbase.fillerBlock; } if (k1 < b0 && b1 == 0) { if (f < 0.15F) { b1 = (byte)Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonTurf.blockID; } else { b1 = (byte)Universe.common.UniverseMain.MoonTurf.blockID; } } j1 = i1; if (k1 >= b0 - 1) { par3ArrayOfByte[l1] = b1; } else { par3ArrayOfByte[l1] = b2; } } else if (j1 > 0) { –j1; par3ArrayOfByte[l1] = b2; if (j1 == 0 && b2 == Block.sand.blockID) { j1 = this.rand.nextInt(4); b2 = (byte)Block.sandStone.blockID; } } } } } } } } /** * loads or generates the chunk at the chunk location specified */ public Chunk loadChunk(int par1, int par2) { return this.provideChunk(par1, par2); } /** * Will return back a chunk, if it doesn't exist and its not a MP client it will generates all the blocks for the * specified chunk from the map seed and chunk seed */ public Chunk provideChunk(int par1, int par2) { this.rand.setSeed((long)par1 * 341873128712L + (long)par2 * 132897987541L); byte[] abyte = new byte[32768]; this.generateTerrain(par1, par2, abyte); this.biomesForGeneration = this.worldObj.getWorldChunkManager().loadBlockGeneratorData(this.biomesForGeneration, par1 * 16, par2 * 16, 16, 16); this.replaceBlocksForBiome(par1, par2, abyte, this.biomesForGeneration); this.caveGenerator.generate(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, abyte); this.ravineGenerator.generate(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, abyte); if (this.mapFeaturesEnabled) { this.mineshaftGenerator.generate(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, abyte); this.villageGenerator.generate(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, abyte); this.strongholdGenerator.generate(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, abyte); this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.generate(this, this.worldObj, par1, par2, abyte); } Chunk chunk = new Chunk(this.worldObj, abyte, par1, par2); byte[] abyte1 = chunk.getBiomeArray(); for (int k = 0; k < abyte1.length; ++k) { abyte1[k] = (byte)this.biomesForGeneration[k].biomeID; } chunk.generateSkylightMap(); return chunk; } /** * generates a subset of the level's terrain data. Takes 7 arguments: the [empty] noise array, the position, and the * size. */ private double[] initializeNoiseField(double[] par1ArrayOfDouble, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6, int par7) { ChunkProviderEvent.InitNoiseField event = new ChunkProviderEvent.InitNoiseField(this, par1ArrayOfDouble, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(event); if (event.getResult() == Result.DENY) return event.noisefield; if (par1ArrayOfDouble == null) { par1ArrayOfDouble = new double[par5 * par6 * par7]; } if (this.parabolicField == null) { this.parabolicField = new float[25]; for (int k1 = -2; k1 <= 2; ++k1) { for (int l1 = -2; l1 <= 2; ++l1) { float f = 10.0F / MathHelper.sqrt_float((float)(k1 * k1 + l1 * l1) + 0.2F); this.parabolicField[k1 + 2 + (l1 + 2) * 5] = f; } } } double d0 = 684.412D; double d1 = 684.412D; this.noise5 = this.noiseGen5.generateNoiseOctaves(this.noise5, par2, par4, par5, par7, 1.121D, 1.121D, 0.5D); this.noise6 = this.noiseGen6.generateNoiseOctaves(this.noise6, par2, par4, par5, par7, 200.0D, 200.0D, 0.5D); this.noise3 = this.noiseGen3.generateNoiseOctaves(this.noise3, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7, d0 / 80.0D, d1 / 160.0D, d0 / 80.0D); this.noise1 = this.noiseGen1.generateNoiseOctaves(this.noise1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7, d0, d1, d0); this.noise2 = this.noiseGen2.generateNoiseOctaves(this.noise2, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7, d0, d1, d0); boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = false; int i2 = 0; int j2 = 0; for (int k2 = 0; k2 < par5; ++k2) { for (int l2 = 0; l2 < par7; ++l2) { float f1 = 0.0F; float f2 = 0.0F; float f3 = 0.0F; byte b0 = 2; BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.biomesForGeneration[k2 + 2 + (l2 + 2) * (par5 + 5)]; for (int i3 = -b0; i3 <= b0; ++i3) { for (int j3 = -b0; j3 <= b0; ++j3) { BiomeGenBase biomegenbase1 = this.biomesForGeneration[k2 + i3 + 2 + (l2 + j3 + 2) * (par5 + 5)]; float f4 = this.parabolicField[i3 + 2 + (j3 + 2) * 5] / (biomegenbase1.minHeight + 2.0F); if (biomegenbase1.minHeight > biomegenbase.minHeight) { f4 /= 2.0F; } f1 += biomegenbase1.maxHeight * f4; f2 += biomegenbase1.minHeight * f4; f3 += f4; } } f1 /= f3; f2 /= f3; f1 = f1 * 0.9F + 0.1F; f2 = (f2 * 4.0F - 1.0F) / 8.0F; double d2 = this.noise6[j2] / 8000.0D; if (d2 < 0.0D) { d2 = -d2 * 0.3D; } d2 = d2 * 3.0D - 2.0D; if (d2 < 0.0D) { d2 /= 2.0D; if (d2 < -1.0D) { d2 = -1.0D; } d2 /= 1.4D; d2 /= 2.0D; } else { if (d2 > 1.0D) { d2 = 1.0D; } d2 /= 8.0D; } ++j2; for (int k3 = 0; k3 < par6; ++k3) { double d3 = (double)f2; double d4 = (double)f1; d3 += d2 * 0.2D; d3 = d3 * (double)par6 / 16.0D; double d5 = (double)par6 / 2.0D + d3 * 4.0D; double d6 = 0.0D; double d7 = ((double)k3 - d5) * 12.0D * 128.0D / 128.0D / d4; if (d7 < 0.0D) { d7 *= 4.0D; } double d8 = this.noise1[i2] / 512.0D; double d9 = this.noise2[i2] / 512.0D; double d10 = (this.noise3[i2] / 10.0D + 1.0D) / 2.0D; if (d10 < 0.0D) { d6 = d8; } else if (d10 > 1.0D) { d6 = d9; } else { d6 = d8 + (d9 - d8) * d10; } d6 -= d7; if (k3 > par6 - 4) { double d11 = (double)((float)(k3 - (par6 - 4)) / 3.0F); d6 = d6 * (1.0D - d11) + -10.0D * d11; } par1ArrayOfDouble[i2] = d6; ++i2; } } } return par1ArrayOfDouble; } /** * Checks to see if a chunk exists at x, y */ public boolean chunkExists(int par1, int par2) { return true; } /** * Populates chunk with ores etc etc */ public void populate(IChunkProvider par1IChunkProvider, int par2, int par3) { BlockSand.fallInstantly = true; int k = par2 * 16; int l = par3 * 16; BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(k + 16, l + 16); this.rand.setSeed(this.worldObj.getSeed()); long i1 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; long j1 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L; this.rand.setSeed((long)par2 * i1 + (long)par3 * j1 ^ this.worldObj.getSeed()); boolean flag = false; MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new PopulateChunkEvent.Pre(par1IChunkProvider, worldObj, rand, par2, par3, flag)); int k1; int l1; int i2; MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new PopulateChunkEvent.Post(par1IChunkProvider, worldObj, rand, par2, par3, flag)); BlockSand.fallInstantly = false; } /** * Two modes of operation: if passed true, save all Chunks in one go. If passed false, save up to two chunks. * Return true if all chunks have been saved. */ public boolean saveChunks(boolean par1, IProgressUpdate par2IProgressUpdate) { return true; } public void func_104112_b() {} /** * Unloads chunks that are marked to be unloaded. This is not guaranteed to unload every such chunk. */ public boolean unloadQueuedChunks() { return false; } /** * Returns if the IChunkProvider supports saving. */ public boolean canSave() { return true; } /** * Converts the instance data to a readable string. */ public String makeString() { return "RandomLevelSource"; } /** * Returns a list of creatures of the specified type that can spawn at the given location. */ public List getPossibleCreatures(EnumCreatureType par1EnumCreatureType, int par2, int par3, int par4) { BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = this.worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(par2, par4); return biomegenbase == null ? null : (biomegenbase == BiomeGenBase.swampland && par1EnumCreatureType == EnumCreatureType.monster && this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.hasStructureAt(par2, par3, par4) ? this.scatteredFeatureGenerator.getScatteredFeatureSpawnList() : biomegenbase.getSpawnableList(par1EnumCreatureType)); } /** * Returns the location of the closest structure of the specified type. If not found returns null. */ public ChunkPosition findClosestStructure(World par1World, String par2Str, int par3, int par4, int par5) { return "Stronghold".equals(par2Str) && this.strongholdGenerator != null ? this.strongholdGenerator.getNearestInstance(par1World, par3, par4, par5) : null; } public int getLoadedChunkCount() { return 0; } @Override public void saveExtraData() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void recreateStructures(int i, int j) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }