Non résolu Modding Minecraft, erreur IDEA lancement exampleMod 1.14.3
j’essaie depuis un moment de faire un mod sur minecraft en 1.14.3. J’utilise IDEA. Lorsque je lance le genIntellijRuns, tout se déroule bien. Cependant lorsque j’essaie de tester voir si tout c’est bien installé en lançant le projet (donc en lançant l’example mod) je me retrouve avec cette erreur :Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:compileClasspath’.
Could not find net.minecraftforge:forge:1.13.2-25.0.219_mapped_snapshot_20180921-1.13.
Searched in the following locations:
- file:/C:/Gradle/gradle-6.0.1/caches/forge_gradle/bundeled_repo/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.13.2-25.0.219_mapped_snapshot_20180921-1.13/forge-1.13.2-25.0.219_mapped_snapshot_20180921-1.13.pom
- file:/C:/Gradle/gradle-6.0.1/caches/forge_gradle/bundeled_repo/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.13.2-25.0.219_mapped_snapshot_20180921-1.13/forge-1.13.2-25.0.219_mapped_snapshot_20180921-1.13.jar
Required by:
project :Possible solution:
- Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at
J’ai fait de nombreuses recherches mais je vous avoue que je ne trouve rien pour m’aider
Pouvez vous me dire ce que je dois faire pour que mon projet fonctionne ?
Merci Bonne soirée
Mon build.gradle :buildscript { repositories { maven { url = '' } jcenter() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath group: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle', name: 'ForgeGradle', version: '3.+', changing: true } } apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' // Only edit below this line, the above code adds and enables the necessary things for Forge to be setup. apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' version = '1.0' group = 'com.examplemod.examplemod' // archivesBaseName = 'modid' sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = compileJava.sourceCompatibility = compileJava.targetCompatibility = '1.8' // Need this here so eclipse task generates correctly. minecraft { // The mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format. // snapshot_YYYYMMDD Snapshot are built nightly. // stable_# Stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team. // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work. // Simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace. mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20180921-1.13' // makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable. // accessTransformer = file('build/resources/main/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg') // Default run configurations. // These can be tweaked, removed, or duplicated as needed. runs { client { workingDirectory project.file('run') // Recommended logging data for a userdev environment property 'forge.logging.markers', 'SCAN,REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP' // Recommended logging level for the console property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug' mods { examplemod { source sourceSets.main } } } server { workingDirectory project.file('run') // Recommended logging data for a userdev environment property 'forge.logging.markers', 'SCAN,REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP' // Recommended logging level for the console property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug' mods { examplemod { source sourceSets.main } } } } } dependencies { // Specify the version of Minecraft to use, If this is any group other then 'net.minecraft' it is assumed // that the dep is a ForgeGradle 'patcher' dependency. And it's patches will be applied. // The userdev artifact is a special name and will get all sorts of transformations applied to it. minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.13.2-25.0.219' // You may put jars on which you depend on in ./libs or you may define them like so.. // compile "" // compile "" // Real examples // compile 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // adds buildcraft to the dev env // compile 'com.googlecode.efficient-java-matrix-library:ejml:0.24' // adds ejml to the dev env // The 'provided' configuration is for optional dependencies that exist at compile-time but might not at runtime. // provided 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // These dependencies get remapped to your current MCP mappings // deobf 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // For more info... // // } // Example for how to get properties into the manifest for reading by the runtime.. jar { manifest { attributes([ "Specification-Title": "examplemod", "Specification-Vendor": "examplemodsareus", "Specification-Version": "1", // We are version 1 of ourselves "Implementation-Title":, "Implementation-Version": "${version}", "Implementation-Vendor" :"examplemodsareus", "Implementation-Timestamp": new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") ]) } } // Example configuration to allow publishing using the maven-publish task // we define a custom artifact that is sourced from the reobfJar output task // and then declare that to be published // Note you'll need to add a repository here def reobfFile = file("$buildDir/reobfJar/output.jar") def reobfArtifact = artifacts.add('default', reobfFile) { type 'jar' builtBy 'reobfJar' } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { artifact reobfArtifact } } repositories { maven { url "file:///${project.projectDir}/mcmodsrepo" } } }
Passes sur la 1.14.4, la 1.14.3 a des bugs et n’est plus maintenu.