Créer un nouveau générateur de monde ?
Bonjour, ou bonsoir, enfin peu importe.
Je suis actuellement en train de développer un mod avec forge 1.7.2, et je cherche a créer une nouveau générateur.
Après un peu de recherche dans le code de forge je tombe sur une classe : WorldType.package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCreateFlatWorld; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCreateWorld; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class WorldType { /** List of world types. */ public static WorldType[] worldTypes = new WorldType[16]; /** Default world type. */ public static final WorldType DEFAULT = (new WorldType(0, "default", 1)).setVersioned(); /** Flat world type. */ public static final WorldType FLAT = new WorldType(1, "flat"); /** Large Biome world Type. */ public static final WorldType LARGE_BIOMES = new WorldType(2, "largeBiomes"); /** amplified world type */ public static final WorldType AMPLIFIED = (new WorldType(3, "amplified")).setNotificationData(); /** Default (1.1) world type. */ public static final WorldType DEFAULT_1_1 = (new WorldType(8, "default_1_1", 0)).setCanBeCreated(false); /** ID for this world type. */ private final int worldTypeId; /** 'default' or 'flat' */ private final String worldType; /** The int version of the ChunkProvider that generated this world. */ private final int generatorVersion; /** * Whether this world type can be generated. Normally true; set to false for out-of-date generator versions. */ private boolean canBeCreated; /** Whether this WorldType has a version or not. */ private boolean isWorldTypeVersioned; private boolean hasNotificationData; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000150"; private WorldType(int p_i1959_1_, String p_i1959_2_) { this(p_i1959_1_, p_i1959_2_, 0); } private WorldType(int p_i1960_1_, String p_i1960_2_, int p_i1960_3_) { if (p_i1960_2_.length() > 16) throw new IllegalArgumentException("World type names must not be longer then 16: " + p_i1960_2_.length()); this.worldType = p_i1960_2_; this.generatorVersion = p_i1960_3_; this.canBeCreated = true; this.worldTypeId = p_i1960_1_; worldTypes[p_i1960_1_] = this; } public String getWorldTypeName() { return this.worldType; } /** * Gets the translation key for the name of this world type. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public String getTranslateName() { return "generator." + this.worldType; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public String func_151359_c() { return this.getTranslateName() + ".info"; } /** * Returns generatorVersion. */ public int getGeneratorVersion() { return this.generatorVersion; } public WorldType getWorldTypeForGeneratorVersion(int p_77132_1_) { return this == DEFAULT && p_77132_1_ == 0 ? DEFAULT_1_1 : this; } /** * Sets canBeCreated to the provided value, and returns this. */ private WorldType setCanBeCreated(boolean p_77124_1_) { this.canBeCreated = p_77124_1_; return this; } /** * Gets whether this WorldType can be used to generate a new world. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean getCanBeCreated() { return this.canBeCreated; } /** * Flags this world type as having an associated version. */ private WorldType setVersioned() { this.isWorldTypeVersioned = true; return this; } /** * Returns true if this world Type has a version associated with it. */ public boolean isVersioned() { return this.isWorldTypeVersioned; } public static WorldType parseWorldType(String p_77130_0_) { for (int i = 0; i < worldTypes.length; ++i) { if (worldTypes* != null && worldTypes*.worldType.equalsIgnoreCase(p_77130_0_)) { return worldTypes*; } } return null; } public int getWorldTypeID() { return this.worldTypeId; } /** * returns true if selecting this worldtype from the customize menu should display the generator.[worldtype].info * message */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean showWorldInfoNotice() { return this.hasNotificationData; } /** * enables the display of generator.[worldtype].info message on the customize world menu */ private WorldType setNotificationData() { this.hasNotificationData = true; return this; } public WorldChunkManager getChunkManager(World world) { if (this == FLAT) { FlatGeneratorInfo flatgeneratorinfo = FlatGeneratorInfo.createFlatGeneratorFromString(world.getWorldInfo().getGeneratorOptions()); return new WorldChunkManagerHell(BiomeGenBase.getBiome(flatgeneratorinfo.getBiome()), 0.5F); } else { return new WorldChunkManager(world); } } public IChunkProvider getChunkGenerator(World world, String generatorOptions) { return (this == FLAT ? new ChunkProviderFlat(world, world.getSeed(), world.getWorldInfo().isMapFeaturesEnabled(), generatorOptions) : new ChunkProviderGenerate(world, world.getSeed(), world.getWorldInfo().isMapFeaturesEnabled())); } public int getMinimumSpawnHeight(World world) { return this == FLAT ? 4 : 64; } public double getHorizon(World world) { return this == FLAT ? 0.0D : 63.0D; } public boolean hasVoidParticles(boolean flag) { return this != FLAT && !flag; } public double voidFadeMagnitude() { return this == FLAT ? 1.0D : 0.03125D; } /* public BiomeGenBase[] getBiomesForWorldType() { return biomesForWorldType; } public void addNewBiome(BiomeGenBase biome) { Set <biomegenbase>newBiomesForWorld = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Arrays.asList(biomesForWorldType)); newBiomesForWorld.add(biome); biomesForWorldType = newBiomesForWorld.toArray(new BiomeGenBase[0]); } public void removeBiome(BiomeGenBase biome) { Set <biomegenbase>newBiomesForWorld = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Arrays.asList(biomesForWorldType)); newBiomesForWorld.remove(biome); biomesForWorldType = newBiomesForWorld.toArray(new BiomeGenBase[0]); } */ public boolean handleSlimeSpawnReduction(Random random, World world) { return this == FLAT ? random.nextInt(4) != 1 : false; } /*=================================================== FORGE START ======================================*/ private static int getNextID() { for (int x = 0; x < worldTypes.length; x++) { if (worldTypes[x] == null) { return x; } } int oldLen = worldTypes.length; worldTypes = Arrays.copyOf(worldTypes, oldLen + 16); return oldLen; } /** * Creates a new world type, the ID is hidden and should not be referenced by modders. * It will automatically expand the underlying workdType array if there are no IDs left. * @param name */ public WorldType(String name) { this(getNextID(), name); } /** * Called when 'Create New World' button is pressed before starting game */ public void onGUICreateWorldPress() { } /** * Gets the spawn fuzz for players who join the world. * Useful for void world types. * @return Fuzz for entity initial spawn in blocks. */ public int getSpawnFuzz() { return net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer.defaultSpawnFuzz; } /** * Called when the 'Customize' button is pressed on world creation GUI * @param instance The minecraft instance * @param guiCreateWorld the createworld GUI */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void onCustomizeButton(Minecraft instance, GuiCreateWorld guiCreateWorld) { if (this == FLAT) { instance.displayGuiScreen(new GuiCreateFlatWorld(guiCreateWorld, guiCreateWorld.field_146334_a)); } } /** * Should world creation GUI show 'Customize' button for this world type? * @return if this world type has customization parameters */ public boolean isCustomizable() { return this == FLAT; } /** * Get the height to render the clouds for this world type * @return The height to render clouds at */ public float getCloudHeight() { return 128.0F; } /** * Creates the GenLayerBiome used for generating the world * * @param worldSeed The world seed * @param parentLayer The parent layer to feed into any layer you return * @return A GenLayer that will return ints representing the Biomes to be generated, see GenLayerBiome */ public GenLayer getBiomeLayer(long worldSeed, GenLayer parentLayer) { GenLayer ret = new GenLayerBiome(200L, parentLayer, this); ret = GenLayerZoom.magnify(1000L, ret, 2); ret = new GenLayerBiomeEdge(1000L, ret); return ret; } }
Je crée une classe étendu de WorldType, je la déclare et l’instancie dans le preInit de la classe principale de mon mod, et magie ! j’ai un nouveau générateur disponible dans les options de création de monde !
Donc, je décide de customiser un peu mon générateur (là c’est comme un générateur de monde normal) , et je décide de de supprimer tous les biomes et d’en laisser qu’un : l’océan.
Mais le problème c’est que la classe WorldType n’offre aucune methode qui me permet de d’ajouter ou de supprimer des biomes, ou plus précisément si, mais elle sont commentés. Donc j’ai continuer a chercher, et je me suis perdu dans les GenLayers, les tuto en anglais périmés, et le code source de Biome O’Plenty…Et donc je me suis dis que peut-être qu’ici une âme charitable qui a deja créer un générateur de monde 1.7.2 pourrait m’aider.
Merci d’avance
public IChunkProvider getChunkGenerator(World world, String generatorOptions) { return (this == FLAT ? new ChunkProviderFlat(world, world.getSeed(), world.getWorldInfo().isMapFeaturesEnabled(), generatorOptions) : new ChunkProviderGenerate(world, world.getSeed(), world.getWorldInfo().isMapFeaturesEnabled())); }
Essaie d’utiliser cette méthode et de mettre ton propre ChunkManager !