Voici ce qu’il faudrait rajouter :
* Called after the block is set in the Chunk data, but before the Tile Entity is set
public void onBlockAdded(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
this.setDefaultFacing(worldIn, pos, state);
private void setDefaultFacing(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
if (!worldIn.isRemote)
IBlockState iblockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(pos.north());
IBlockState iblockstate1 = worldIn.getBlockState(pos.south());
IBlockState iblockstate2 = worldIn.getBlockState(pos.west());
IBlockState iblockstate3 = worldIn.getBlockState(pos.east());
EnumFacing enumfacing = (EnumFacing)state.getValue(FACING);
if (enumfacing == EnumFacing.NORTH && iblockstate.isFullBlock() && !iblockstate1.isFullBlock())
enumfacing = EnumFacing.SOUTH;
else if (enumfacing == EnumFacing.SOUTH && iblockstate1.isFullBlock() && !iblockstate.isFullBlock())
enumfacing = EnumFacing.NORTH;
else if (enumfacing == EnumFacing.WEST && iblockstate2.isFullBlock() && !iblockstate3.isFullBlock())
enumfacing = EnumFacing.EAST;
else if (enumfacing == EnumFacing.EAST && iblockstate3.isFullBlock() && !iblockstate2.isFullBlock())
enumfacing = EnumFacing.WEST;
worldIn.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(FACING, enumfacing), 2);
public IBlockState onBlockPlaced(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta, EntityLivingBase placer)
return this.getDefaultState().withProperty(FACING, placer.getHorizontalFacing().getOpposite());
* Convert the given metadata into a BlockState for this Block
public IBlockState getStateFromMeta(int meta)
EnumFacing enumfacing = EnumFacing.getFront(meta);
if (enumfacing.getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.Y)
enumfacing = EnumFacing.NORTH;
return this.getDefaultState().withProperty(FACING, enumfacing);
* Convert the BlockState into the correct metadata value
public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState state)
return ((EnumFacing)state.getValue(FACING)).getIndex();
* Returns the blockstate with the given rotation from the passed blockstate. If inapplicable, returns the passed
* blockstate.
public IBlockState withRotation(IBlockState state, Rotation rot)
return state.withProperty(FACING, rot.rotate((EnumFacing)state.getValue(FACING)));
* Returns the blockstate with the given mirror of the passed blockstate. If inapplicable, returns the passed
* blockstate.
public IBlockState withMirror(IBlockState state, Mirror mirrorIn)
return state.withRotation(mirrorIn.toRotation((EnumFacing)state.getValue(FACING)));
protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState()
return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] {FACING});
public void onBlockPlacedBy(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityLivingBase placer, ItemStack stack)
worldIn.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(FACING, placer.getHorizontalFacing().getOpposite()), 2);
EDIT = Question, tu as uniquement un problème d’orientation de block, ou tes textures sont également mal appliquées ?