Résolu Machine Recipe Complex
J’ai essayé de verifier si l’item dans le slot est celui que je veut et de lancer le craft avec un random mais ce ne fonctionne poins
? Ai pas totalement compris
Je réexplique : pour tes recettes, au lieu de faire une map avec <ce que=“” ça=“” use,=“” ce=“” donne=“” (item)=“”>, tu fais <ce que=“” ça=“” use,=“” ce=“” peut=“” donner=“” <item[]=“”>, et ensuite dans la fonction getSmeltingResult(), tu prends un item au hasard.</ce></ce>
Je n’y arrive poins
J’ai essayé mais après le craft n’a pas de result
Voici ma class avant modification :[font=Courier Newpublic class ]%(#345f99)[OreExtractorRecipes ]{ private static final OreExtractorRecipes smeltingBase = new OreExtractorRecipes()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] private Map<ItemStack[], ItemStack> smeltingList = new HashMap<ItemStack[], ItemStack>()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] private Item[] resultList = new Item[] { MechanicalCraft.brokenTinOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenCopperOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenZincOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenIronOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenGoldOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenCoalOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenDiamondOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenEmeraldOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.brokenRedstoneOre%(#aaa9a7)[, ] MechanicalCraft.%(#666965)[brokenLapisOre ] }%(#aaa9a7)[; ] Random itemRand = new Random()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] Random quantityRand = new Random()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] public OreExtractorRecipes() { this.addRecipe(Blocks.gravel, new ItemStack(resultList[itemRand.nextInt(10)], quantityRand.nextInt((3) + 1), 0))%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void addRecipe(ItemStack *input1*, ItemStack *output1*) { ItemStack[] stackList = new ItemStack[] {*input1*}%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.smeltingList.put(stackList, *output1*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void addRecipe(Item *input1*, ItemStack *output1*) { this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(*input1*), *output1*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void addRecipe(Block *input1*, ItemStack *output1*) { this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(*input1*), *output1*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack getSmeltingResult(ItemStack[] *stack*) { Iterator<Map.Entry<ItemStack[], ItemStack>> iterator = this.smeltingList.entrySet().iterator()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] Map.Entry<ItemStack[], ItemStack> entry%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#0187df)[do ] { if(!iterator.hasNext()) { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } entry = (Map.Entry<ItemStack[], ItemStack>)iterator.next()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } while(!this.isSameKey(*stack*, (ItemStack[])entry.getKey()))%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return (ItemStack)entry.getValue()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } private boolean isSameKey(ItemStack[] *stackList*, ItemStack[] *stackList2*) { boolean isSame = false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(*stackList*[0].getItem() == *stackList2*[0].getItem()) { isSame = true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } return isSame%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public Map<ItemStack[], ItemStack> getSmeltingList() { return this.smeltingList%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public static OreExtractorRecipes smelting() { return smeltingBase%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } }
Cette liste :
%(#0187df)[[size=small]**private**] %(#345f99)[[size=small]Map]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]<]%(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack]%(#666600)[[size=small][][/font]]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]>] %(#666965)[[size=small]smeltingList ]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]=] %(#0187df)[[size=small]**new**] %(#afb8c5)[[size=small]HashMap]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]<]%(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack]%(#666600)[[size=small][][/font]]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]>]%(#666600)[[size=small]()]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small];]
%(#0187df)[[size=small]**private**] %(#345f99)[[size=small]Map]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]<]%(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack]%(#666600)[[size=small][][/font]]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack[]]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]>] %(#666965)[[size=small]smeltingList ]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]=] %(#0187df)[[size=small]**new**] %(#afb8c5)[[size=small]HashMap]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]<]%(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack]%(#666600)[[size=small][][/font]]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#345f99)[[size=small]ItemStack[]]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]>]%(#666600)[[size=small]()]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small];]
Ducoup ceci
%(#0187df)[[size=small]**this**]%(#666600)[[size=small].]%(#afb8c5)[[size=small]addRecipe]%(#666600)[[size=small](]%(#345f99)[[size=small]Blocks]%(#666600)[[size=small].]%(#666965)[[size=small]gravel]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#0187df)[[size=small]**new**] %(#afb8c5)[[size=small]ItemStack]%(#666600)[[size=small](]%(#666965)[[size=small]resultList]%(#666600)[[size=small][[/font]]%(#666965)[[size=small]itemRand]%(#666600)[[size=small].]%(#afb8c5)[[size=small]nextInt]%(#666600)[[size=small](]%(#feff06)[[size=small]10]%(#666600)[[size=small])]]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#666965)[[size=small]quantityRand]%(#666600)[[size=small].]%(#afb8c5)[[size=small]nextInt]%(#666600)[[size=small]((]%(#feff06)[[size=small]3]%(#666600)[[size=small])] %(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]+] %(#feff06)[[size=small]1]%(#666600)[[size=small])]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#feff06)[[size=small]0]%(#666600)[[size=small]))]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small];]
devient ceci
%(#0187df)[[size=small]**this**]%(#666600)[[size=small].]%(#afb8c5)[[size=small]addRecipe]%(#666600)[[size=small](]%(#345f99)[[size=small]Blocks]%(#666600)[[size=small].]%(#666965)[[size=small]gravel]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small],] %(#666965)[[size=small]resultList]%(#aaa9a7)[[size=small]; //Il faut donc que tu transformes resultList en un array d'itemstacks]
Et la fonction getSmeltingResult devient ça (après le while) :
ItemStack result = [size=small((][size=smallItemStack[]][size=small)][size=smallentry][size=small.][size=smallgetValue][size=small())[random.nextInt(…)];] [size=smallresult.stackSize = random.nextInt(…);] [size=small**return**] result[size=small;] ``` Et il faut bien sur que tu changes toutes les fonctions addRecipe.
J’ai une erreur ici: ```java
(ItemStack[])entry.getValue()qui me dit "cannot cast ….ItemStack to .....ItemStack[]" ```java [font=Courier Newpublic class ]%(#345f99)[OreExtractorRecipes ]{ private static final OreExtractorRecipes smeltingBase = new OreExtractorRecipes()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] private Map<ItemStack[], ItemStack[]> smeltingList = new HashMap<ItemStack[], ItemStack[]>()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] private ItemStack[] resultList = new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenTinOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenCopperOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenZincOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenIronOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenGoldOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenCoalOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenDiamondOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenEmeraldOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenRedstoneOre)%(#aaa9a7)[, ] new ItemStack(MechanicalCraft.brokenLapisOre) }%(#aaa9a7)[; ] Random itemRand = new Random()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] Random quantityRand = new Random()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] public OreExtractorRecipes() { this.addRecipe(Blocks.gravel, resultList)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void addRecipe(ItemStack *input1*, ItemStack[] *output1*) { ItemStack[] stackList = new ItemStack[] {*input1*}%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.smeltingList.put(stackList, *output1*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void addRecipe(Item *input1*, ItemStack[] *output1*) { this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(*input1*), *output1*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void addRecipe(Block *input1*, ItemStack[] *output1*) { this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(*input1*), *output1*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack getSmeltingResult(ItemStack[] stack) { Iterator<Map.Entry<ItemStack[], ItemStack[]>> iterator = this.smeltingList.entrySet().iterator()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] Map.Entry<ItemStack[], ItemStack> entry%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#0187df)[do ] { if(!iterator.hasNext()) { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } entry = (Map.Entry<ItemStack[], ItemStack>)iterator.next()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } while(!this.isSameKey(*stack*, (ItemStack[])entry.getKey()))%(#aaa9a7)[; ] ItemStack result = ((ItemStack[])entry.getValue())[itemRand.nextInt(10)]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] result.stackSize = quantityRand.nextInt((3) + 1)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return result%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } private boolean isSameKey(ItemStack[] *stackList*, ItemStack[] *stackList2*) { boolean isSame = false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(*stackList*[0].getItem() == *stackList2*[0].getItem()) { isSame = true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } return isSame%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public Map<ItemStack[], ItemStack[]> getSmeltingList() { return this.smeltingList%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public static OreExtractorRecipes smelting() { return smeltingBase%(#aaa9a7)[; ] }
Ah oui, change ça :
java Map.Entry <itemstack[], itemstack="">entry;
par ça : ```java
Map.Entry <itemstack[], itemstack[]=“”>entry;Et également ça : ```java entry = (Map.Entry<itemstack[], itemstack="">)iterator.next(); ``` par ça : ```java entry = (Map.Entry<itemstack[], itemstack[]="">)iterator.next(); ```.</itemstack[],></itemstack[],></itemstack[],></itemstack[],>
Merci y a plus d’erreurs.
Mon Craft peut sortir plusieurs items différents, pour cela j’ai créer plusieurs slotresults (12 en tout). Comment faire pour qu’il soi tous utilisés si par exemple l’un est plein ou que l’item n’est pas le même et bien que le suivant se remplisse? -
Il faut que tu fasses une fonction qui vérifies si un slot est libre (item correcpondant, taille…), si le slot est libre, tu ajoutes l’item, sinon, tu fait la même chose avec le slot d’après. je sais qu’il y a une fonction comme ça dans le InventoryPlayer, essaye de regarder.
J’ai regardé dans la class InventoryPlayer j’ai je n’est pas trouvé la fonction en question
J’ai essayé de faire plusieurs conditions pour vérifier l’état du slot mais mon craft ne se lance plus car je n’est plus de slotresult “valide”
Tu fais une fonction qui, avec un slot donné en id, vérifies si ce slot est vide ou que son item correspond à celui que tu veux ajouter.
Après dans ta fonction smelt, tu fais un for() pour vérifier chaque slot avec cette fonction, quand un slot libre est trouvé, tu insères l’item dans le slot libre. Et tu fais la même chose dans la fonction canSmelt() sauf que là tu n’ajoutes pas l’item. -
Mon jeu crash
[20:47:08] [Client thread/FATAL]: Reported exception thrown! net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Ticking block entity at net.minecraft.world.World.updateEntities(World.java:2175) ~[World.class:?] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:2097) ~[Minecraft.class:?] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runGameLoop(Minecraft.java:1039) ~[Minecraft.class:?] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:962) [Minecraft.class:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:164) [Main.class:?] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?] at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source) [start/:?] at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source) [start/:?] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(AppMain.java:144) [idea_rt.jar:?] Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 15 at com.google.SpyMan.Mechanicalcraft.common.blockOreExtractor.TileEntityOreExtractor.smeltItem(TileEntityOreExtractor.java:258) ~[TileEntityOreExtractor.class:?] at com.google.SpyMan.Mechanicalcraft.common.blockOreExtractor.TileEntityOreExtractor.updateEntity(TileEntityOreExtractor.java:297) ~[TileEntityOreExtractor.class:?] at net.minecraft.world.World.updateEntities(World.java:2160) ~[World.class:?] … 17 more [20:47:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft:displayCrashReport:388]: –-- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Why is it breaking :( Time: 14/03/16 20:47 Description: Ticking block entity java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 15 at com.google.SpyMan.Mechanicalcraft.common.blockOreExtractor.TileEntityOreExtractor.smeltItem(TileEntityOreExtractor.java:258) at com.google.SpyMan.Mechanicalcraft.common.blockOreExtractor.TileEntityOreExtractor.updateEntity(TileEntityOreExtractor.java:297) at net.minecraft.world.World.updateEntities(World.java:2160) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:2097) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runGameLoop(Minecraft.java:1039) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:962) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:164) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) at net.minecraftforge.gradle.GradleStartCommon.launch(Unknown Source) at GradleStart.main(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497) at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(AppMain.java:144)
[font=Courier Newpublic class ]TileEntityOreExtractor extends TileEntity implements %(#345f99)[IInventory ]{ private byte direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Slots list */ ] private ItemStack[] contents = new ItemStack[15]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual working time */ ] protected int workingTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeeded = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time default value for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeededDefault = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual burn time */ ] protected int burnTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Burn time of fuel */ ] protected int burnTimeTotal = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the result slot */ ] private int slotResultID = 3%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the upgrade slot */ ] private int slotUpgradeID = 2%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the fuel slot */ ] private int slotFuelID = 1%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the input slot */ ] private int slotInputID = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.readFromNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.direction = *compound*.getByte("Direction")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = *compound*.getTagList("Items", 10)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++%(#666965)*) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] int j = nbtTagCompound.getByte("Slot") & 255%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(j >= 0 && j < this.contents.length) { this.contents[j] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } this.workingTime = *compound*.getShort("workingTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTime = *compound*.getShort("burnTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTimeTotal = *compound*.getShort("burnTimeTotal")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.writeToNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setByte("Direction", this.direction)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< this.contents.length; ++%(#666965)*) { if(this.contents[%(#666965)*] != null) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbtTagCompound.setByte("Slot", (byte)%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[%(#666965)*].writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbttaglist.appendTag(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } *compound*.setTag("Items", nbttaglist)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("workingTime", (short)this.workingTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTime", (short)this.burnTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTimeTotal", (short)this.burnTimeTotal)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public byte getDirection() { return direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void setDirection(byte *direction*) { this.direction = *direction*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 0, nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager *net*, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity *pkt*) { this.readFromNBT(*pkt*.func_148857_g())%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getSizeInventory() { return this.contents.length%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void openInventory() {} public void closeInventory() {} public String getInventoryName() { return MechanicalCraft.oreExtractor.getLocalizedName()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean hasCustomInventoryName() { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getInventoryStackLimit() { return 64%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer *player*) { return this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) != this ? false : *player*.getDistanceSq((double)this.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int *slotIndex*) { return this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack decrStackSize(int *slotIndex*, int *amount*) { if(this.contents[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.contents[*slotIndex*].stackSize <= *amount*) { itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*].splitStack(*amount*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.contents[*slotIndex*].stackSize == 0) { this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int *slotIndex*) { if(this.contents[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void setInventorySlotContents(int *slotIndex*, ItemStack *stack*) { this.contents[*slotIndex*] = *stack*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(*stack *!= null && *stack*.stackSize > this.getInventoryStackLimit()) { *stack*.stackSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int *slot*, ItemStack *stack*) { return *slot *== 2 ? false : true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isBurning() { return this.workingTime > 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } protected boolean canSmelt() { if(this.contents[this.slotInputID] == null) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.contents[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] int j = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_< 15; %(#666965)*++) { j = %(#666965)*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if (itemstack == null) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } if (this.contents[%(#666965)*] == null) { return true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } if (!this.contents[%(#666965)*].isItemEqual(itemstack)) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } int result = contents[j].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= this.contents[j].getMaxStackSize()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void smeltItem() { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.contents[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_<= 15; %(#666965)*++) { if (this.canSmelt()) { if (this.contents[%(#666965)*] == null) { this.contents[%(#666965)*] = itemstack.copy()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } else if (this.contents[%(#666965)*].getItem() == itemstack.getItem()) { this.contents[%(#666965)*].stackSize += itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.decrStackSize(0, 1)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } } public void updateEntity() { if(this.burnTime > 0) { burnTime%(#aaa9a7)[–; ] } if(this.canSmelt()) { if(this.burnTime <= 0) { int %(#666965)________
Dans ton for() de ta fonction smelt, tu as mis un <= au lieu d’un<
Quand un craft est terminé le suivant ne se lance pas car le premier slot (3) n’est pas vide et les items du même type se dispatche sur plusieurs slots au lieu de se retrouver dans le même. Comment faire ?
[font=Courier Newpublic class ]TileEntityOreExtractor extends TileEntity implements %(#345f99)[IInventory ]{ private byte direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Slots list */ ] private ItemStack[] contents = new ItemStack[15]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual working time */ ] protected int workingTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeeded = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time default value for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeededDefault = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual burn time */ ] protected int burnTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Burn time of fuel */ ] protected int burnTimeTotal = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the result slot */ ] private int slotResultID = 3%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the upgrade slot */ ] private int slotUpgradeID = 2%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the fuel slot */ ] private int slotFuelID = 1%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the input slot */ ] private int slotInputID = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.readFromNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.direction = *compound*.getByte("Direction")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = *compound*.getTagList("Items", 10)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++%(#666965)*) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] int j = nbtTagCompound.getByte("Slot") & 255%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(j >= 0 && j < this.contents.length) { this.contents[j] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } this.workingTime = *compound*.getShort("workingTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTime = *compound*.getShort("burnTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTimeTotal = *compound*.getShort("burnTimeTotal")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.writeToNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setByte("Direction", this.direction)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< this.contents.length; ++%(#666965)*) { if(this.contents[%(#666965)*] != null) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbtTagCompound.setByte("Slot", (byte)%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[%(#666965)*].writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbttaglist.appendTag(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } *compound*.setTag("Items", nbttaglist)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("workingTime", (short)this.workingTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTime", (short)this.burnTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTimeTotal", (short)this.burnTimeTotal)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public byte getDirection() { return direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void setDirection(byte *direction*) { this.direction = *direction*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 0, nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager *net*, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity *pkt*) { this.readFromNBT(*pkt*.func_148857_g())%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getSizeInventory() { return this.contents.length%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void openInventory() {} public void closeInventory() {} public String getInventoryName() { return MechanicalCraft.oreExtractor.getLocalizedName()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean hasCustomInventoryName() { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getInventoryStackLimit() { return 64%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer *player*) { return this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) != this ? false : *player*.getDistanceSq((double)this.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int *slotIndex*) { return this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack decrStackSize(int *slotIndex*, int *amount*) { if(this.contents[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.contents[*slotIndex*].stackSize <= *amount*) { itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*].splitStack(*amount*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.contents[*slotIndex*].stackSize == 0) { this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int *slotIndex*) { if(this.contents[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void setInventorySlotContents(int *slotIndex*, ItemStack *stack*) { this.contents[*slotIndex*] = *stack*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(*stack *!= null && *stack*.stackSize > this.getInventoryStackLimit()) { *stack*.stackSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int *slot*, ItemStack *stack*) { return *slot *== 2 ? false : true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isBurning() { return this.workingTime > 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } protected boolean canSmelt() { if(this.contents[this.slotInputID] == null) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.contents[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] int j = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_< 15; %(#666965)*++) { j = %(#666965)*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if (itemstack == null) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } if (this.contents[%(#666965)*] == null) { return true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } if (!this.contents[%(#666965)*].isItemEqual(itemstack)) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } int result = contents[j].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= this.contents[j].getMaxStackSize()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void smeltItem() { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.contents[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_< 15; %(#666965)*++) { if (this.canSmelt()) { if (this.contents[%(#666965)*] == null) { this.contents[%(#666965)*] = itemstack.copy()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } else if (this.contents[%(#666965)*].getItem() == itemstack.getItem()) { this.contents[%(#666965)*].stackSize += itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.decrStackSize(0, 1)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } } public void updateEntity() { if(this.burnTime > 0) { burnTime%(#aaa9a7)[–; ] } if(this.canSmelt()) { if(this.burnTime <= 0) { int %(#666965)________
" if (!this.contents*.isItemEqual(itemstack))
return false;
}" dans canSmelt(), si tu mets return false, le for s’arrêtera et tu ne cherche pas dans les autres slots, il faut que tu mettes un break à la place. -
Le recipes se fait mais tout les slotresults sont remplit par le même item et le stack en input se consume 10 par 10
[font=Trebuchet MSpublic class ]TileEntityOreExtractor extends TileEntity implements %(#345f99)[IInventory ]{ private byte direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Slots list */ ] private ItemStack[] contents = new ItemStack[15]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual working time */ ] protected int workingTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeeded = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time default value for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeededDefault = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual burn time */ ] protected int burnTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Burn time of fuel */ ] protected int burnTimeTotal = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the result slot */ ] private int slotResultID = 3%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the upgrade slot */ ] private int slotUpgradeID = 2%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the fuel slot */ ] private int slotFuelID = 1%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the input slot */ ] private int slotInputID = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.readFromNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.direction = *compound*.getByte("Direction")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = *compound*.getTagList("Items", 10)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++%(#666965)*) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] int j = nbtTagCompound.getByte("Slot") & 255%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(j >= 0 && j < this.contents.length) { this.contents[j] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } this.workingTime = *compound*.getShort("workingTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTime = *compound*.getShort("burnTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTimeTotal = *compound*.getShort("burnTimeTotal")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.writeToNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setByte("Direction", this.direction)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< this.contents.length; ++%(#666965)*) { if(this.contents[%(#666965)*] != null) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbtTagCompound.setByte("Slot", (byte)%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[%(#666965)*].writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbttaglist.appendTag(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } *compound*.setTag("Items", nbttaglist)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("workingTime", (short)this.workingTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTime", (short)this.burnTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTimeTotal", (short)this.burnTimeTotal)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public byte getDirection() { return direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void setDirection(byte *direction*) { this.direction = *direction*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 0, nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager *net*, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity *pkt*) { this.readFromNBT(*pkt*.func_148857_g())%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getSizeInventory() { return this.contents.length%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void openInventory() {} public void closeInventory() {} public String getInventoryName() { return MechanicalCraft.oreExtractor.getLocalizedName()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean hasCustomInventoryName() { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getInventoryStackLimit() { return 64%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer *player*) { return this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) != this ? false : *player*.getDistanceSq((double)this.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int *slotIndex*) { return this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack decrStackSize(int *slotIndex*, int *amount*) { if(this.contents[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.contents[*slotIndex*].stackSize <= *amount*) { itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*].splitStack(*amount*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.contents[*slotIndex*].stackSize == 0) { this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int *slotIndex*) { if(this.contents[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack = this.contents[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.contents[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void setInventorySlotContents(int *slotIndex*, ItemStack *stack*) { this.contents[*slotIndex*] = *stack*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(*stack *!= null && *stack*.stackSize > this.getInventoryStackLimit()) { *stack*.stackSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int *slot*, ItemStack *stack*) { return *slot *== 2 ? false : true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isBurning() { return this.workingTime > 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } protected boolean canSmelt() { if(this.contents[this.slotInputID] == null) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.contents[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] int j = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_< 15; %(#666965)*++) { j = %(#666965)*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if (itemstack == null) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } if (this.contents[%(#666965)*] == null) { return true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } if (!this.contents[%(#666965)*].isItemEqual(itemstack)) { break%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } int result = contents[j].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= this.contents[j].getMaxStackSize()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void smeltItem() { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.contents[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_< 15; %(#666965)*++) { if (this.canSmelt()) { if (this.contents[%(#666965)*] == null) { this.contents[%(#666965)*] = itemstack.copy()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } else if (this.contents[%(#666965)*].getItem() == itemstack.getItem()) { this.contents[%(#666965)*].stackSize += itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.decrStackSize(0, 1)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } } public void updateEntity() { if(this.burnTime > 0) { burnTime%(#aaa9a7)[–; ] } if(this.canSmelt()) { if(this.burnTime <= 0) { int %(#666965)________
Alors déjà dans ta fonction canSmelt() :
int result = contents[j].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize;
Il faut que tu mettes la condition du return dansun if dans ton for() et return true si la condition est réalisée. Et à la fin de la fonction, tu mets un return false.
Dans ta fonction smelt(), quand tu insères le result dans un slot, tu n’arrêtes pas ton for() et il va continue d’ajouter dans tous les slots, il faut que tu l’arrêtes quand t’a résussi à ajouter le stack.
Mon jeu crash
[font=Courier Newpublic class ]TileEntityOreExtractor extends TileEntity implements %(#345f99)[IInventory ]{ private byte direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Slots list */ ] private ItemStack[] slotResult = new ItemStack[15]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual working time */ ] protected int workingTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeeded = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Working time default value for one recipes */ ] protected int workingTimeNeededDefault = 200%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Actual burn time */ ] protected int burnTime = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Burn time of fuel */ ] protected int burnTimeTotal = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the result slot */ ] private int slotResultID = 3%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the upgrade slot */ ] private int slotUpgradeID = 2%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the fuel slot */ ] private int slotFuelID = 1%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#8242ff)[/** Id of the input slot */ ] private int slotInputID = 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.readFromNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.direction = *compound*.getByte("Direction")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = *compound*.getTagList("Items", 10)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.slotResult = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++%(#666965)*) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] int j = nbtTagCompound.getByte("Slot") & 255%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(j >= 0 && j < this.slotResult.length) { this.slotResult[j] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } this.workingTime = *compound*.getShort("workingTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTime = *compound*.getShort("burnTime")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.burnTimeTotal = *compound*.getShort("burnTimeTotal")%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#278c3c)[***@Override ***] public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound *compound*) { super.writeToNBT(*compound*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setByte("Direction", this.direction)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for(int %(#666965)_= 0; %(#666965)_< this.slotResult.length; ++%(#666965)*) { if(this.slotResult[%(#666965)*] != null) { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbtTagCompound.setByte("Slot", (byte)%(#666965)*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.slotResult[%(#666965)*].writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] nbttaglist.appendTag(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } *compound*.setTag("Items", nbttaglist)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("workingTime", (short)this.workingTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTime", (short)this.burnTime)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] *compound*.setShort("burnTimeTotal", (short)this.burnTimeTotal)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public byte getDirection() { return direction%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void setDirection(byte *direction*) { this.direction = *direction*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbtTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.writeToNBT(nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 0, nbtTagCompound)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager *net*, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity *pkt*) { this.readFromNBT(*pkt*.func_148857_g())%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getSizeInventory() { return this.slotResult.length%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public void openInventory() {} public void closeInventory() {} public String getInventoryName() { return MechanicalCraft.oreExtractor.getLocalizedName()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean hasCustomInventoryName() { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public int getInventoryStackLimit() { return 64%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer *player*) { return this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) != this ? false : *player*.getDistanceSq((double)this.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int *slotIndex*) { return this.slotResult[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public ItemStack decrStackSize(int *slotIndex*, int *amount*) { if(this.slotResult[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.slotResult[*slotIndex*].stackSize <= *amount*) { itemstack = this.slotResult[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.slotResult[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { itemstack = this.slotResult[*slotIndex*].splitStack(*amount*)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(this.slotResult[*slotIndex*].stackSize == 0) { this.slotResult[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int *slotIndex*) { if(this.slotResult[*slotIndex*] != null) { ItemStack itemstack = this.slotResult[*slotIndex*]%(#aaa9a7)[; ] this.slotResult[*slotIndex*] = null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] return itemstack%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { return null%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void setInventorySlotContents(int *slotIndex*, ItemStack *stack*) { this.slotResult[*slotIndex*] = *stack*%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if(*stack *!= null && *stack*.stackSize > this.getInventoryStackLimit()) { *stack*.stackSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.markDirty()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int *slot*, ItemStack *stack*) { return *slot *== 2 ? false : true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } public boolean isBurning() { return this.workingTime > 0%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } protected boolean canSmelt() { if(this.slotResult[this.slotInputID] == null) { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } %(#0187df)[else ] { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.slotResult[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_< 15; %(#666965)*++) { int result = slotResult[%(#666965)*].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] if (this.slotResult[%(#666965)*] != null) { if (this.slotResult[%(#666965)*].isItemEqual(itemstack)) { if (result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= this.slotResult[%(#666965)*].getMaxStackSize()) { return true%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } %(#0187df)[else ] { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } %(#0187df)[else ] { return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } return false%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } public void smeltItem() { ItemStack itemstack = OreExtractorRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(new ItemStack[] { this.slotResult[this.slotInputID] })%(#aaa9a7)[; ] for (int %(#666965)_= 3; %(#666965)_< 15; %(#666965)*++) { if (this.canSmelt()) { if (this.slotResult[%(#666965)*] != null) { this.slotResult[%(#666965)*] = itemstack.copy()%(#aaa9a7)[; ] break%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } if (this.slotResult[%(#666965)*].getItem() == itemstack.getItem()) { this.slotResult[%(#666965)*].stackSize += itemstack.stackSize%(#aaa9a7)[; ] break%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } this.decrStackSize(0, 1)%(#aaa9a7)[; ] } } } public void updateEntity() { if(this.burnTime > 0) { burnTime%(#aaa9a7)[–; ] } if(this.canSmelt()) { if(this.burnTime <= 0) { int %(#666965)________
Dans ta fonction canSmelt(), remplace le 1er return false par un break et dans smelt(), remplace les break par des return;, et remplace le != null par un == null.
Comme je vois que t’a pas totalement compris, les return … sortent de la fonction mais les break ne sortent que de la boucle (en gros si il te reste autre chose après le break à l’intérieur du for(), ça sera sauté mais par contre si t’a, pas exemple, i=1 et i<5, alors si tu appelle un break, le i=1 ne sera pas totalement exécuté mais le i=2, i=3, i=4 seront exécutés, contrairement au return…). J’espère que c’est assez clair ^^