Résolu Cave block opaque
Tu as fait quoi comme modification là ? Envoies ton code.
C’est moi ou il y a 1 an le forum était plus actif ?
EDIT : oui je part dans totalement autre chose…
EDITDEUX : je me dis que parfois je suis vraiment con car les 99% du temps ou il y a is donc est c’est un boolean
EDIT TROIS : et oui je fais du monologue
package fr.antotor.speely.init; import fr.antotor.speely.Main; import fr.antotor.speely.utils.References; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class ModBlocks { public ModBlocks() { init(); registers(); registerItemBlocks(); registerRenders(); } public static Block anoxium_ore; public static Block astral_ore; public static Block linarite_ore; public static Block oxium_ore; public static Block speely_ore; public static Block anoxium_block; public static Block astral_block; public static Block linarite_block; public static Block oxium_block; public static Block speely_block; public static Block xray_block; private void init() { anoxium_ore = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("anoxium_ore") .setUnlocalizedName("anoxium_ore").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); astral_ore = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("astral_ore") .setUnlocalizedName("astral_ore").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); linarite_ore = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("linarite_ore") .setUnlocalizedName("linarite_ore").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); oxium_ore = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("oxium_ore") .setUnlocalizedName("oxium_ore").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); speely_ore = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("speely_ore") .setUnlocalizedName("speely_ore").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); anoxium_ore.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3); astral_ore.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3); linarite_ore.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3); oxium_ore.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3); speely_ore.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3); anoxium_block = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("anoxium_block") .setUnlocalizedName("anoxium_block").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); astral_block = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("astral_block") .setUnlocalizedName("astral_block").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); linarite_block = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f) .setRegistryName("linarite_block").setUnlocalizedName("linarite_block").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); oxium_block = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("oxium_block") .setUnlocalizedName("oxium_block").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); speely_block = new Block(Material.IRON).setHardness(2.0f).setResistance(1.5f).setRegistryName("speely_block") .setUnlocalizedName("speely_block").setCreativeTab(Main.speely); xray_block = new Block(Material.GLASS).setRegistryName("xray_block").setUnlocalizedName("xray_block") .setCreativeTab(Main.speely).isOpaqueCube(true); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer() { return BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT; } private void registers() { register(anoxium_ore); register(astral_ore); register(linarite_ore); register(oxium_ore); register(speely_ore); register(anoxium_block); register(astral_block); register(linarite_block); register(oxium_block); register(speely_block); register(xray_block); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private void registerRenders() { registerRender(anoxium_ore, 0); registerRender(astral_ore, 0); registerRender(linarite_ore, 0); registerRender(oxium_ore, 0); registerRender(speely_ore, 0); registerRender(anoxium_block, 0); registerRender(astral_block, 0); registerRender(linarite_block, 0); registerRender(oxium_block, 0); registerRender(speely_block, 0); registerRender(xray_block, 0); } private void registerItemBlocks() { registerItemBlock(anoxium_ore); registerItemBlock(astral_ore); registerItemBlock(linarite_ore); registerItemBlock(oxium_ore); registerItemBlock(speely_ore); registerItemBlock(anoxium_block); registerItemBlock(astral_block); registerItemBlock(linarite_block); registerItemBlock(oxium_block); registerItemBlock(speely_block); registerItemBlock(xray_block); } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------ */ private void register(Block block) { GameRegistry.register(block); } private void registerRender(Block block, int meta) { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), meta, new ModelResourceLocation( new ResourceLocation(References.MODID, block.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5)), "inventory")); } private void registerItemBlock(Block block) { ItemBlock ib = new ItemBlock(block); ib.setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName()); GameRegistry.register(ib); } }
C’est ma classe ou je créer les blocs
Et je me suis tromper je sais pas si ca change quelque chose mais c’est 1.10.2 la version j’ai confondu avec un autre mod.
Mais ce qu’on veut c’est la classe avec le isopaque cube est c’est le bazarre ta classe xD
@Deprecated public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) { return true; }
et pouquoi elle est bizzare xD
mais mais la classe ou il y a ça mais en entière
package net.minecraft.block; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.minecraft.block.material.EnumPushReaction; import net.minecraft.block.material.MapColor; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.properties.IProperty; import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Enchantments; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.stats.StatList; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer; import net.minecraft.util.EnumBlockRenderType; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.Mirror; import net.minecraft.util.ObjectIntIdentityMap; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.Rotation; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import net.minecraft.util.registry.RegistryNamespacedDefaultedByKey; import net.minecraft.util.text.translation.I18n; import net.minecraft.world.Explosion; import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class Block extends net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry.Impl<Block> { /** ResourceLocation for the Air block */ private static final ResourceLocation AIR_ID = new ResourceLocation("air"); public static final RegistryNamespacedDefaultedByKey<ResourceLocation, Block> REGISTRY = net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData.getBlockRegistry(); @Deprecated //Modders: DO NOT use this! Use GameRegistry public static final ObjectIntIdentityMap<IBlockState> BLOCK_STATE_IDS = net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData.getBlockStateIDMap(); public static final AxisAlignedBB FULL_BLOCK_AABB = new AxisAlignedBB(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D); public static final AxisAlignedBB NULL_AABB = null; private CreativeTabs displayOnCreativeTab; protected boolean fullBlock; /** How much light is subtracted for going through this block */ protected int lightOpacity; protected boolean translucent; /** Amount of light emitted */ protected int lightValue; /** Flag if block should use the brightest neighbor light value as its own */ protected boolean useNeighborBrightness; /** Indicates how many hits it takes to break a block. */ protected float blockHardness; /** Indicates how much this block can resist explosions */ protected float blockResistance; protected boolean enableStats; /** * Flags whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Ref-counted by ExtendedBlockStorage in * order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. */ protected boolean needsRandomTick; /** true if the Block contains a Tile Entity */ protected boolean isBlockContainer; /** Sound of stepping on the block */ protected SoundType blockSoundType; public float blockParticleGravity; protected final Material blockMaterial; /** The Block's MapColor */ protected final MapColor blockMapColor; /** Determines how much velocity is maintained while moving on top of this block */ public float slipperiness; protected final BlockStateContainer blockState; private IBlockState defaultBlockState; private String unlocalizedName; public static int getIdFromBlock(Block blockIn) { return REGISTRY.getIDForObject(blockIn); } /** * Get a unique ID for the given BlockState, containing both BlockID and metadata */ public static int getStateId(IBlockState state) { Block block = state.getBlock(); return getIdFromBlock(block) + (block.getMetaFromState(state) << 12); } public static Block getBlockById(int id) { Block ret = (Block)REGISTRY.getObjectById(id); return ret == null ? net.minecraft.init.Blocks.AIR : ret; } /** * Get a BlockState by it's ID (see getStateId) */ public static IBlockState getStateById(int id) { int i = id & 4095; int j = id >> 12 & 15; return getBlockById(i).getStateFromMeta(j); } public static Block getBlockFromItem(Item itemIn) { return itemIn instanceof ItemBlock ? ((ItemBlock)itemIn).getBlock() : null; } @Nullable public static Block getBlockFromName(String name) { ResourceLocation resourcelocation = new ResourceLocation(name); if (REGISTRY.containsKey(resourcelocation)) { return (Block)REGISTRY.getObject(resourcelocation); } else { try { return (Block)REGISTRY.getObjectById(Integer.parseInt(name)); } catch (NumberFormatException var3) { return null; } } } /** * Checks if an IBlockState represents a block that is opaque and a full cube. */ @Deprecated public boolean isFullyOpaque(IBlockState state) { return state.getMaterial().isOpaque() && state.isFullCube(); } @Deprecated public boolean isFullBlock(IBlockState state) { return this.fullBlock; } @Deprecated public boolean canEntitySpawn(IBlockState state, Entity entityIn) { return true; } @Deprecated public int getLightOpacity(IBlockState state) { return this.lightOpacity; } /** * Used in the renderer to apply ambient occlusion */ @Deprecated @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean isTranslucent(IBlockState state) { return this.translucent; } @Deprecated public int getLightValue(IBlockState state) { return this.lightValue; } /** * Should block use the brightest neighbor light value as its own */ @Deprecated public boolean getUseNeighborBrightness(IBlockState state) { return this.useNeighborBrightness; } /** * Get a material of block */ @Deprecated public Material getMaterial(IBlockState state) { return this.blockMaterial; } /** * Get the MapColor for this Block and the given BlockState */ @Deprecated public MapColor getMapColor(IBlockState state) { return this.blockMapColor; } /** * Convert the given metadata into a BlockState for this Block */ @Deprecated public IBlockState getStateFromMeta(int meta) { return this.getDefaultState(); } /** * Convert the BlockState into the correct metadata value */ public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState state) { if (state != null && !state.getPropertyNames().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don\'t know how to convert " + state + " back into data..."); } else { return 0; } } /** * Get the actual Block state of this Block at the given position. This applies properties not visible in the * metadata, such as fence connections. */ @Deprecated public IBlockState getActualState(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return state; } /** * Returns the blockstate with the given rotation from the passed blockstate. If inapplicable, returns the passed * blockstate. */ @Deprecated public IBlockState withRotation(IBlockState state, Rotation rot) { return state; } /** * Returns the blockstate with the given mirror of the passed blockstate. If inapplicable, returns the passed * blockstate. */ @Deprecated public IBlockState withMirror(IBlockState state, Mirror mirrorIn) { return state; } public Block(Material blockMaterialIn, MapColor blockMapColorIn) { this.enableStats = true; this.blockSoundType = SoundType.STONE; this.blockParticleGravity = 1.0F; this.slipperiness = 0.6F; this.blockMaterial = blockMaterialIn; this.blockMapColor = blockMapColorIn; this.blockState = this.createBlockState(); this.setDefaultState(this.blockState.getBaseState()); this.fullBlock = this.getDefaultState().isOpaqueCube(); this.lightOpacity = this.fullBlock ? 255 : 0; this.translucent = !blockMaterialIn.blocksLight(); } public Block(Material materialIn) { this(materialIn, materialIn.getMaterialMapColor()); } /** * Sets the footstep sound for the block. Returns the object for convenience in constructing. */ protected Block setSoundType(SoundType sound) { this.blockSoundType = sound; return this; } /** * Sets how much light is blocked going through this block. Returns the object for convenience in constructing. */ public Block setLightOpacity(int opacity) { this.lightOpacity = opacity; return this; } /** * Sets the light value that the block emits. Returns resulting block instance for constructing convenience. */ public Block setLightLevel(float value) { this.lightValue = (int)(15.0F * value); return this; } /** * Sets the the blocks resistance to explosions. Returns the object for convenience in constructing. */ public Block setResistance(float resistance) { this.blockResistance = resistance * 3.0F; return this; } /** * Indicate if a material is a normal solid opaque cube */ @Deprecated public boolean isBlockNormalCube(IBlockState state) { return state.getMaterial().blocksMovement() && state.isFullCube(); } /** * Used for nearly all game logic (non-rendering) purposes. Use Forge-provided isNormalCube(IBlockAccess, BlockPos) * instead. */ @Deprecated public boolean isNormalCube(IBlockState state) { return state.getMaterial().isOpaque() && state.isFullCube() && !state.canProvidePower(); } public boolean isVisuallyOpaque() { return this.blockMaterial.blocksMovement() && this.getDefaultState().isFullCube(); } @Deprecated public boolean isFullCube(IBlockState state) { return true; } public boolean isPassable(IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return !this.blockMaterial.blocksMovement(); } /** * The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, * LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering */ @Deprecated public EnumBlockRenderType getRenderType(IBlockState state) { return EnumBlockRenderType.MODEL; } /** * Whether this Block can be replaced directly by other blocks (true for e.g. tall grass) */ public boolean isReplaceable(IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getMaterial().isReplaceable(); } /** * Sets how many hits it takes to break a block. */ public Block setHardness(float hardness) { this.blockHardness = hardness; if (this.blockResistance < hardness * 5.0F) { this.blockResistance = hardness * 5.0F; } return this; } public Block setBlockUnbreakable() { this.setHardness(-1.0F); return this; } @Deprecated public float getBlockHardness(IBlockState blockState, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return this.blockHardness; } /** * Sets whether this block type will receive random update ticks */ public Block setTickRandomly(boolean shouldTick) { this.needsRandomTick = shouldTick; return this; } /** * Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by * ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. */ public boolean getTickRandomly() { return this.needsRandomTick; } @Deprecated //Forge: New State sensitive version. public boolean hasTileEntity() { return hasTileEntity(getDefaultState()); } @Deprecated public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess source, BlockPos pos) { return FULL_BLOCK_AABB; } /** * Whether this Block is solid on the given Side */ public boolean isBlockSolid(IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { return worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getMaterial().isSolid(); } @Deprecated public void addCollisionBoxToList(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, AxisAlignedBB entityBox, List<AxisAlignedBB> collidingBoxes, @Nullable Entity entityIn) { addCollisionBoxToList(pos, entityBox, collidingBoxes, state.getCollisionBoundingBox(worldIn, pos)); } protected static void addCollisionBoxToList(BlockPos pos, AxisAlignedBB entityBox, List<AxisAlignedBB> collidingBoxes, @Nullable AxisAlignedBB blockBox) { if (blockBox != NULL_AABB) { AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = blockBox.offset(pos); if (entityBox.intersectsWith(axisalignedbb)) { collidingBoxes.add(axisalignedbb); } } } @Deprecated @Nullable public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBox(IBlockState blockState, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return blockState.getBoundingBox(worldIn, pos); } @Deprecated @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getPackedLightmapCoords(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess source, BlockPos pos) { int i = source.getCombinedLight(pos, state.getLightValue(source, pos)); if (i == 0 && state.getBlock() instanceof BlockSlab) { pos = pos.down(); state = source.getBlockState(pos); return source.getCombinedLight(pos, state.getLightValue(source, pos)); } else { return i; } } @Deprecated @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockState blockState, IBlockAccess blockAccess, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = blockState.getBoundingBox(blockAccess, pos); switch (side) { case DOWN: if (axisalignedbb.minY > 0.0D) { return true; } break; case UP: if (axisalignedbb.maxY < 1.0D) { return true; } break; case NORTH: if (axisalignedbb.minZ > 0.0D) { return true; } break; case SOUTH: if (axisalignedbb.maxZ < 1.0D) { return true; } break; case WEST: if (axisalignedbb.minX > 0.0D) { return true; } break; case EAST: if (axisalignedbb.maxX < 1.0D) { return true; } } return !blockAccess.getBlockState(pos.offset(side)).doesSideBlockRendering(blockAccess, pos.offset(side), side.getOpposite()); } @Deprecated @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBox(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return state.getBoundingBox(worldIn, pos).offset(pos); } /** * Used to determine ambient occlusion and culling when rebuilding chunks for render */ @Deprecated public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) { return true; } public boolean canCollideCheck(IBlockState state, boolean hitIfLiquid) { return this.isCollidable(); } /** * Returns if this block is collidable. Only used by fire, although stairs return that of the block that the stair * is made of (though nobody's going to make fire stairs, right?) */ public boolean isCollidable() { return true; } /** * Called randomly when setTickRandomly is set to true (used by e.g. crops to grow, etc.) */ public void randomTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random random) { this.updateTick(worldIn, pos, state, random); } public void updateTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) { } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void randomDisplayTick(IBlockState stateIn, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Random rand) { } /** * Called when a player destroys this Block */ public void onBlockDestroyedByPlayer(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { } /** * Called when a neighboring block was changed and marks that this state should perform any checks during a neighbor * change. Cases may include when redstone power is updated, cactus blocks popping off due to a neighboring solid * block, etc. */ @Deprecated public void neighborChanged(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Block blockIn) { } /** * How many world ticks before ticking */ public int tickRate(World worldIn) { return 10; } /** * Called after the block is set in the Chunk data, but before the Tile Entity is set */ public void onBlockAdded(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { } /** * Called serverside after this block is replaced with another in Chunk, but before the Tile Entity is updated */ public void breakBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { if (hasTileEntity(state) && !(this instanceof BlockContainer)) { worldIn.removeTileEntity(pos); } } /** * Returns the quantity of items to drop on block destruction. */ public int quantityDropped(Random random) { return 1; } /** * Get the Item that this Block should drop when harvested. */ @Nullable public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState state, Random rand, int fortune) { return Item.getItemFromBlock(this); } /** * Get the hardness of this Block relative to the ability of the given player */ @Deprecated public float getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness(IBlockState state, EntityPlayer player, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.blockStrength(state, player, worldIn, pos); } /** * Spawn this Block's drops into the World as EntityItems */ public final void dropBlockAsItem(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, int fortune) { this.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(worldIn, pos, state, 1.0F, fortune); } /** * Spawns this Block's drops into the World as EntityItems. */ public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, float chance, int fortune) { if (!worldIn.isRemote && !worldIn.restoringBlockSnapshots) // do not drop items while restoring blockstates, prevents item dupe { java.util.List<ItemStack> items = getDrops(worldIn, pos, state, fortune); chance = net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.fireBlockHarvesting(items, worldIn, pos, state, fortune, chance, false, harvesters.get()); for (ItemStack item : items) { if (worldIn.rand.nextFloat() <= chance) { spawnAsEntity(worldIn, pos, item); } } } } /** * Spawns the given ItemStack as an EntityItem into the World at the given position */ public static void spawnAsEntity(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, ItemStack stack) { if (!worldIn.isRemote && worldIn.getGameRules().getBoolean("doTileDrops") && !worldIn.restoringBlockSnapshots) // do not drop items while restoring blockstates, prevents item dupe { if (captureDrops.get()) { capturedDrops.get().add(stack); return; } float f = 0.5F; double d0 = (double)(worldIn.rand.nextFloat() * 0.5F) + 0.25D; double d1 = (double)(worldIn.rand.nextFloat() * 0.5F) + 0.25D; double d2 = (double)(worldIn.rand.nextFloat() * 0.5F) + 0.25D; EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(worldIn, (double)pos.getX() + d0, (double)pos.getY() + d1, (double)pos.getZ() + d2, stack); entityitem.setDefaultPickupDelay(); worldIn.spawnEntityInWorld(entityitem); } } /** * Spawns the given amount of experience into the World as XP orb entities */ public void dropXpOnBlockBreak(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, int amount) { if (!worldIn.isRemote && worldIn.getGameRules().getBoolean("doTileDrops")) { while (amount > 0) { int i = EntityXPOrb.getXPSplit(amount); amount -= i; worldIn.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityXPOrb(worldIn, (double)pos.getX() + 0.5D, (double)pos.getY() + 0.5D, (double)pos.getZ() + 0.5D, i)); } } } /** * Gets the metadata of the item this Block can drop. This method is called when the block gets destroyed. It * returns the metadata of the dropped item based on the old metadata of the block. */ public int damageDropped(IBlockState state) { return 0; } /** * Returns how much this block can resist explosions from the passed in entity. */ public float getExplosionResistance(Entity exploder) { return this.blockResistance / 5.0F; } /** * Ray traces through the blocks collision from start vector to end vector returning a ray trace hit. */ @Deprecated @Nullable public RayTraceResult collisionRayTrace(IBlockState blockState, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Vec3d start, Vec3d end) { return this.rayTrace(pos, start, end, blockState.getBoundingBox(worldIn, pos)); } @Nullable protected RayTraceResult rayTrace(BlockPos pos, Vec3d start, Vec3d end, AxisAlignedBB boundingBox) { Vec3d vec3d = start.subtract((double)pos.getX(), (double)pos.getY(), (double)pos.getZ()); Vec3d vec3d1 = end.subtract((double)pos.getX(), (double)pos.getY(), (double)pos.getZ()); RayTraceResult raytraceresult = boundingBox.calculateIntercept(vec3d, vec3d1); return raytraceresult == null ? null : new RayTraceResult(raytraceresult.hitVec.addVector((double)pos.getX(), (double)pos.getY(), (double)pos.getZ()), raytraceresult.sideHit, pos); } /** * Called when this Block is destroyed by an Explosion */ public void onBlockDestroyedByExplosion(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Explosion explosionIn) { } public boolean canReplace(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side, @Nullable ItemStack stack) { return this.canPlaceBlockOnSide(worldIn, pos, side); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer() { return BlockRenderLayer.SOLID; } /** * Check whether this Block can be placed on the given side */ public boolean canPlaceBlockOnSide(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { return this.canPlaceBlockAt(worldIn, pos); } public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getBlock().isReplaceable(worldIn, pos); } public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, @Nullable ItemStack heldItem, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { return false; } /** * Triggered whenever an entity collides with this block (enters into the block) */ public void onEntityWalk(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn) { } // Forge: use getStateForPlacement /** * Called by ItemBlocks just before a block is actually set in the world, to allow for adjustments to the * IBlockstate */ @Deprecated public IBlockState onBlockPlaced(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta, EntityLivingBase placer) { return this.getStateFromMeta(meta); } public void onBlockClicked(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer playerIn) { } public Vec3d modifyAcceleration(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn, Vec3d motion) { return motion; } @Deprecated public int getWeakPower(IBlockState blockState, IBlockAccess blockAccess, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { return 0; } /** * Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state. */ @Deprecated public boolean canProvidePower(IBlockState state) { return false; } /** * Called When an Entity Collided with the Block */ public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Entity entityIn) { } @Deprecated public int getStrongPower(IBlockState blockState, IBlockAccess blockAccess, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { return 0; } public void harvestBlock(World worldIn, EntityPlayer player, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, @Nullable TileEntity te, @Nullable ItemStack stack) { player.addStat(StatList.getBlockStats(this)); player.addExhaustion(0.025F); if (this.canSilkHarvest(worldIn, pos, state, player) && EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantments.SILK_TOUCH, stack) > 0) { java.util.List<ItemStack> items = new java.util.ArrayList<ItemStack>(); ItemStack itemstack = this.createStackedBlock(state); if (itemstack != null) { items.add(itemstack); } net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.fireBlockHarvesting(items, worldIn, pos, state, 0, 1.0f, true, player); for (ItemStack item : items) { spawnAsEntity(worldIn, pos, item); } } else { harvesters.set(player); int i = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantments.FORTUNE, stack); this.dropBlockAsItem(worldIn, pos, state, i); harvesters.set(null); } } @Deprecated //Forge: State sensitive version protected boolean canSilkHarvest() { return this.getDefaultState().isFullCube() && !this.hasTileEntity(silk_check_state.get()); } @Nullable protected ItemStack createStackedBlock(IBlockState state) { Item item = Item.getItemFromBlock(this); if (item == null) { return null; } else { int i = 0; if (item.getHasSubtypes()) { i = this.getMetaFromState(state); } return new ItemStack(item, 1, i); } } /** * Get the quantity dropped based on the given fortune level */ public int quantityDroppedWithBonus(int fortune, Random random) { return this.quantityDropped(random); } /** * Called by ItemBlocks after a block is set in the world, to allow post-place logic */ public void onBlockPlacedBy(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityLivingBase placer, ItemStack stack) { } /** * Return true if an entity can be spawned inside the block (used to get the player's bed spawn location) */ public boolean canSpawnInBlock() { return !this.blockMaterial.isSolid() && !this.blockMaterial.isLiquid(); } public Block setUnlocalizedName(String name) { this.unlocalizedName = name; return this; } /** * Gets the localized name of this block. Used for the statistics page. */ public String getLocalizedName() { return I18n.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName() + ".name"); } /** * Returns the unlocalized name of the block with "tile." appended to the front. */ public String getUnlocalizedName() { return "tile." + this.unlocalizedName; } /** * Called on both Client and Server when World#addBlockEvent is called. On the Server, this may perform additional * changes to the world, like pistons replacing the block with an extended base. On the client, the update may * involve replacing tile entities, playing sounds, or performing other visual actions to reflect the server side * changes. */ @Deprecated public boolean eventReceived(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, int id, int param) { return false; } /** * Return the state of blocks statistics flags - if the block is counted for mined and placed. */ public boolean getEnableStats() { return this.enableStats; } protected Block disableStats() { this.enableStats = false; return this; } @Deprecated public EnumPushReaction getMobilityFlag(IBlockState state) { return this.blockMaterial.getMobilityFlag(); } @Deprecated @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float getAmbientOcclusionLightValue(IBlockState state) { return state.isBlockNormalCube() ? 0.2F : 1.0F; } /** * Block's chance to react to a living entity falling on it. */ public void onFallenUpon(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn, float fallDistance) { entityIn.fall(fallDistance, 1.0F); } /** * Called when an Entity lands on this Block. This method *must* update motionY because the entity will not do that * on its own */ public void onLanded(World worldIn, Entity entityIn) { entityIn.motionY = 0.0D; } @Nullable @Deprecated // Forge: Use more sensitive version below: getPickBlock public ItemStack getItem(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { Item item = Item.getItemFromBlock(this); return item == null ? null : new ItemStack(item, 1, this.damageDropped(state)); } /** * returns a list of blocks with the same ID, but different meta (eg: wood returns 4 blocks) */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void getSubBlocks(Item itemIn, CreativeTabs tab, List<ItemStack> list) { list.add(new ItemStack(itemIn)); } public Block setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs tab) { this.displayOnCreativeTab = tab; return this; } public void onBlockHarvested(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer player) { } /** * Returns the CreativeTab to display the given block on. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public CreativeTabs getCreativeTabToDisplayOn() { return this.displayOnCreativeTab; } /** * Called similar to random ticks, but only when it is raining. */ public void fillWithRain(World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { } public boolean requiresUpdates() { return true; } /** * Return whether this block can drop from an explosion. */ public boolean canDropFromExplosion(Explosion explosionIn) { return true; } public boolean isAssociatedBlock(Block other) { return this == other; } public static boolean isEqualTo(Block blockIn, Block other) { return blockIn != null && other != null ? (blockIn == other ? true : blockIn.isAssociatedBlock(other)) : false; } @Deprecated public boolean hasComparatorInputOverride(IBlockState state) { return false; } @Deprecated public int getComparatorInputOverride(IBlockState blockState, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return 0; } protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState() { return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[0]); } public BlockStateContainer getBlockState() { return this.blockState; } protected final void setDefaultState(IBlockState state) { this.defaultBlockState = state; } public final IBlockState getDefaultState() { return this.defaultBlockState; } /** * Get the OffsetType for this Block. Determines if the model is rendered slightly offset. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public Block.EnumOffsetType getOffsetType() { return Block.EnumOffsetType.NONE; } @Deprecated // Forge - World/state/pos/entity sensitive version below public SoundType getSoundType() { return this.blockSoundType; } public String toString() { return "Block{" + REGISTRY.getNameForObject(this) + "}"; } /* ======================================== FORGE START =====================================*/ //For ForgeInternal use Only! protected ThreadLocal<EntityPlayer> harvesters = new ThreadLocal(); private ThreadLocal<IBlockState> silk_check_state = new ThreadLocal(); protected static java.util.Random RANDOM = new java.util.Random(); // Useful for random things without a seed. /** * Get a light value for the block at the specified coordinates, normal ranges are between 0 and 15 * * @param state Block state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return The light value */ public int getLightValue(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { IBlockState other = world.getBlockState(pos); if (other.getBlock() != this) { return other.getLightValue(world, pos); } return state.getLightValue(); } /** * Checks if a player or entity can use this block to 'climb' like a ladder. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param entity The entity trying to use the ladder, CAN be null. * @return True if the block should act like a ladder */ public boolean isLadder(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EntityLivingBase entity) { return false; } /** * Return true if the block is a normal, solid cube. This * determines indirect power state, entity ejection from blocks, and a few * others. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return True if the block is a full cube */ public boolean isNormalCube(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return state.getMaterial().isOpaque() && state.isFullCube() && !state.canProvidePower(); } /** * Check if the face of a block should block rendering. * * Faces which are fully opaque should return true, faces with transparency * or faces which do not span the full size of the block should return false. * * @param state The current block state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param face The side to check * @return True if the block is opaque on the specified side. */ public boolean doesSideBlockRendering(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing face) { return state.isOpaqueCube(); } /** * Checks if the block is a solid face on the given side, used by placement logic. * * @param base_state The base state, getActualState should be called first * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param side The side to check * @return True if the block is solid on the specified side. */ public boolean isSideSolid(IBlockState base_state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { if (base_state.isFullyOpaque() && side == EnumFacing.UP) // Short circuit to vanilla function if its true return true; if (this instanceof BlockSlab) { IBlockState state = this.getActualState(base_state, world, pos); return base_state.isFullBlock() || (state.getValue(BlockSlab.HALF) == BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf.TOP && side == EnumFacing.UP ) || (state.getValue(BlockSlab.HALF) == BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf.BOTTOM && side == EnumFacing.DOWN); } else if (this instanceof BlockFarmland) { return (side != EnumFacing.DOWN && side != EnumFacing.UP); } else if (this instanceof BlockStairs) { IBlockState state = this.getActualState(base_state, world, pos); boolean flipped = state.getValue(BlockStairs.HALF) == BlockStairs.EnumHalf.TOP; BlockStairs.EnumShape shape = (BlockStairs.EnumShape)state.getValue(BlockStairs.SHAPE); EnumFacing facing = (EnumFacing)state.getValue(BlockStairs.FACING); if (side == EnumFacing.UP) return flipped; if (side == EnumFacing.DOWN) return !flipped; if (facing == side) return true; if (flipped) { if (shape == BlockStairs.EnumShape.INNER_LEFT ) return side == facing.rotateYCCW(); if (shape == BlockStairs.EnumShape.INNER_RIGHT) return side == facing.rotateY(); } else { if (shape == BlockStairs.EnumShape.INNER_LEFT ) return side == facing.rotateY(); if (shape == BlockStairs.EnumShape.INNER_RIGHT) return side == facing.rotateYCCW(); } return false; } else if (this instanceof BlockSnow) { IBlockState state = this.getActualState(base_state, world, pos); return ((Integer)state.getValue(BlockSnow.LAYERS)) >= 8; } else if (this instanceof BlockHopper && side == EnumFacing.UP) { return true; } else if (this instanceof BlockCompressedPowered) { return true; } return isNormalCube(base_state, world, pos); } /** * Determines if this block should set fire and deal fire damage * to entities coming into contact with it. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return True if the block should deal damage */ public boolean isBurning(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return false; } /** * Determines this block should be treated as an air block * by the rest of the code. This method is primarily * useful for creating pure logic-blocks that will be invisible * to the player and otherwise interact as air would. * * @param sata The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return True if the block considered air */ public boolean isAir(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return state.getMaterial() == Material.AIR; } /** * Determines if the player can harvest this block, obtaining it's drops when the block is destroyed. * * @param player The player damaging the block, may be null * @param meta The block's current metadata * @return True to spawn the drops */ public boolean canHarvestBlock(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player) { return net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.canHarvestBlock(this, player, world, pos); } /** * Called when a player removes a block. This is responsible for * actually destroying the block, and the block is intact at time of call. * This is called regardless of whether the player can harvest the block or * not. * * Return true if the block is actually destroyed. * * Note: When used in multiplayer, this is called on both client and * server sides! * * @param state The current state. * @param world The current world * @param player The player damaging the block, may be null * @param pos Block position in world * @param willHarvest True if Block.harvestBlock will be called after this, if the return in true. * Can be useful to delay the destruction of tile entities till after harvestBlock * @return True if the block is actually destroyed. */ public boolean removedByPlayer(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player, boolean willHarvest) { this.onBlockHarvested(world, pos, state, player); return world.setBlockState(pos, net.minecraft.init.Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), world.isRemote ? 11 : 3); } /** * Chance that fire will spread and consume this block. * 300 being a 100% chance, 0, being a 0% chance. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param face The face that the fire is coming from * @return A number ranging from 0 to 300 relating used to determine if the block will be consumed by fire */ public int getFlammability(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing face) { return net.minecraft.init.Blocks.FIRE.getFlammability(this); } /** * Called when fire is updating, checks if a block face can catch fire. * * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param face The face that the fire is coming from * @return True if the face can be on fire, false otherwise. */ public boolean isFlammable(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing face) { return getFlammability(world, pos, face) > 0; } /** * Called when fire is updating on a neighbor block. * The higher the number returned, the faster fire will spread around this block. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param face The face that the fire is coming from * @return A number that is used to determine the speed of fire growth around the block */ public int getFireSpreadSpeed(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing face) { return net.minecraft.init.Blocks.FIRE.getEncouragement(this); } /** * Currently only called by fire when it is on top of this block. * Returning true will prevent the fire from naturally dying during updating. * Also prevents firing from dying from rain. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param metadata The blocks current metadata * @param side The face that the fire is coming from * @return True if this block sustains fire, meaning it will never go out. */ public boolean isFireSource(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { if (this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.NETHERRACK && side == EnumFacing.UP) { return true; } if ((world.provider instanceof net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderEnd) && this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.BEDROCK && side == EnumFacing.UP) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isTileProvider = this instanceof ITileEntityProvider; /** * Called throughout the code as a replacement for block instanceof BlockContainer * Moving this to the Block base class allows for mods that wish to extend vanilla * blocks, and also want to have a tile entity on that block, may. * * Return true from this function to specify this block has a tile entity. * * @param state State of the current block * @return True if block has a tile entity, false otherwise */ public boolean hasTileEntity(IBlockState state) { return isTileProvider; } /** * Called throughout the code as a replacement for ITileEntityProvider.createNewTileEntity * Return the same thing you would from that function. * This will fall back to ITileEntityProvider.createNewTileEntity(World) if this block is a ITileEntityProvider * * @param metadata The Metadata of the current block * @return A instance of a class extending TileEntity */ public TileEntity createTileEntity(World world, IBlockState state) { if (isTileProvider) { return ((ITileEntityProvider)this).createNewTileEntity(world, getMetaFromState(state)); } return null; } /** * State and fortune sensitive version, this replaces the old (int meta, Random rand) * version in 1.1. * * @param state Current state * @param fortune Current item fortune level * @param random Random number generator * @return The number of items to drop */ public int quantityDropped(IBlockState state, int fortune, Random random) { return quantityDroppedWithBonus(fortune, random); } /** * This returns a complete list of items dropped from this block. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param state Current state * @param fortune Breakers fortune level * @return A ArrayList containing all items this block drops */ public List<ItemStack> getDrops(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, int fortune) { List<ItemStack> ret = new java.util.ArrayList<ItemStack>(); Random rand = world instanceof World ? ((World)world).rand : RANDOM; int count = quantityDropped(state, fortune, rand); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Item item = this.getItemDropped(state, rand, fortune); if (item != null) { ret.add(new ItemStack(item, 1, this.damageDropped(state))); } } return ret; } /** * Return true from this function if the player with silk touch can harvest this block directly, and not it's normal drops. * * @param world The world * @param pos Block position in world * @param state current block state * @param player The player doing the harvesting * @return True if the block can be directly harvested using silk touch */ public boolean canSilkHarvest(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer player) { silk_check_state.set(state);; boolean ret = this.canSilkHarvest(); silk_check_state.set(null); return ret; } /** * Determines if a specified mob type can spawn on this block, returning false will * prevent any mob from spawning on the block. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param type The Mob Category Type * @return True to allow a mob of the specified category to spawn, false to prevent it. */ public boolean canCreatureSpawn(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.SpawnPlacementType type) { return isSideSolid(state, world, pos, EnumFacing.UP); } /** * Determines if this block is classified as a Bed, Allowing * players to sleep in it, though the block has to specifically * perform the sleeping functionality in it's activated event. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param player The player or camera entity, null in some cases. * @return True to treat this as a bed */ public boolean isBed(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, Entity player) { return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.BED; } /** * Returns the position that the player is moved to upon * waking up, or respawning at the bed. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param player The player or camera entity, null in some cases. * @return The spawn position */ public BlockPos getBedSpawnPosition(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player) { if (world instanceof World) return BlockBed.getSafeExitLocation((World)world, pos, 0); return null; } /** * Called when a user either starts or stops sleeping in the bed. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param player The player or camera entity, null in some cases. * @param occupied True if we are occupying the bed, or false if they are stopping use of the bed */ public void setBedOccupied(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player, boolean occupied) { if (world instanceof World) { IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); state = state.getBlock().getActualState(state, world, pos); state = state.withProperty(BlockBed.OCCUPIED, occupied); ((World)world).setBlockState(pos, state, 4); } } /** * Returns the direction of the block. Same values that * are returned by BlockDirectional * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return Bed direction */ public EnumFacing getBedDirection(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return (EnumFacing)getActualState(state, world, pos).getValue(BlockHorizontal.FACING); } /** * Determines if the current block is the foot half of the bed. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return True if the current block is the foot side of a bed. */ public boolean isBedFoot(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return getActualState(world.getBlockState(pos), world, pos).getValue(BlockBed.PART) == BlockBed.EnumPartType.FOOT; } /** * Called when a leaf should start its decay process. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world */ public void beginLeavesDecay(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos){} /** * Determines if this block can prevent leaves connected to it from decaying. * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return true if the presence this block can prevent leaves from decaying. */ public boolean canSustainLeaves(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return false; } /** * Determines if this block is considered a leaf block, used to apply the leaf decay and generation system. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return true if this block is considered leaves. */ public boolean isLeaves(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return state.getMaterial() == Material.LEAVES; } /** * Used during tree growth to determine if newly generated leaves can replace this block. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return true if this block can be replaced by growing leaves. */ public boolean canBeReplacedByLeaves(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return isAir(state, world, pos) || isLeaves(state, world, pos); //!state.isFullBlock(); } /** * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return true if the block is wood (logs) */ public boolean isWood(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return false; } /** * Determines if the current block is replaceable by Ore veins during world generation. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param target The generic target block the gen is looking for, Standards define stone * for overworld generation, and neatherack for the nether. * @return True to allow this block to be replaced by a ore */ public boolean isReplaceableOreGen(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, com.google.common.base.Predicate<IBlockState> target) { return target.apply(state); } /** * Location sensitive version of getExplosionRestance * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param exploder The entity that caused the explosion, can be null * @param explosion The explosion * @return The amount of the explosion absorbed. */ public float getExplosionResistance(World world, BlockPos pos, Entity exploder, Explosion explosion) { return getExplosionResistance(exploder); } /** * Called when the block is destroyed by an explosion. * Useful for allowing the block to take into account tile entities, * state, etc. when exploded, before it is removed. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param Explosion The explosion instance affecting the block */ public void onBlockExploded(World world, BlockPos pos, Explosion explosion) { world.setBlockToAir(pos); onBlockDestroyedByExplosion(world, pos, explosion); } /** * Determine if this block can make a redstone connection on the side provided, * Useful to control which sides are inputs and outputs for redstone wires. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param side The side that is trying to make the connection, CAN BE NULL * @return True to make the connection */ public boolean canConnectRedstone(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { return state.canProvidePower() && side != null; } /** * Determines if a torch can be placed on the top surface of this block. * Useful for creating your own block that torches can be on, such as fences. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return True to allow the torch to be placed */ public boolean canPlaceTorchOnTop(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { if (state.isSideSolid(world, pos, EnumFacing.UP)) { return true; } else { return this instanceof BlockFence || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.GLASS || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.COBBLESTONE_WALL || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.STAINED_GLASS; } } /** Dont think this exists in 1.8 anymore /** * Determines if this block should render in this pass. * * @param pass The pass in question * @return True to render * / public boolean canRenderInPass(int pass) { return pass == func_149701_w(); } */ /** * Called when a user uses the creative pick block button on this block * * @param target The full target the player is looking at * @return A ItemStack to add to the player's inventory, Null if nothing should be added. */ public ItemStack getPickBlock(IBlockState state, RayTraceResult target, World world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player) { return getItem(world, pos, state); } /** * Used by getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock while placing biome decorations, villages, etc * Also used to determine if the player can spawn on this block. * * @return False to disallow spawning */ public boolean isFoliage(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return false; } /** * Allows a block to override the standard EntityLivingBase.updateFallState * particles, this is a server side method that spawns particles with * WorldServer.spawnParticle * * @param world The current Server world * @param blockPosition of the block that the entity landed on. * @param iblockstate State at the specific world/pos * @param entity the entity that hit landed on the block. * @param numberOfParticles that vanilla would have spawned. * @return True to prevent vanilla landing particles form spawning. */ public boolean addLandingEffects(IBlockState state, net.minecraft.world.WorldServer worldObj, BlockPos blockPosition, IBlockState iblockstate, EntityLivingBase entity, int numberOfParticles ) { return false; } /** * Spawn a digging particle effect in the world, this is a wrapper * around EffectRenderer.addBlockHitEffects to allow the block more * control over the particles. Useful when you have entirely different * texture sheets for different sides/locations in the world. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param target The target the player is looking at {x/y/z/side/sub} * @param manager A reference to the current particle manager. * @return True to prevent vanilla digging particles form spawning. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean addHitEffects(IBlockState state, World worldObj, RayTraceResult target, net.minecraft.client.particle.ParticleManager manager) { return false; } /** * Spawn particles for when the block is destroyed. Due to the nature * of how this is invoked, the x/y/z locations are not always guaranteed * to host your block. So be sure to do proper sanity checks before assuming * that the location is this block. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Position to spawn the particle * @param manager A reference to the current particle manager. * @return True to prevent vanilla break particles from spawning. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean addDestroyEffects(World world, BlockPos pos, net.minecraft.client.particle.ParticleManager manager) { return false; } /** * Determines if this block can support the passed in plant, allowing it to be planted and grow. * Some examples: * Reeds check if its a reed, or if its sand/dirt/grass and adjacent to water * Cacti checks if its a cacti, or if its sand * Nether types check for soul sand * Crops check for tilled soil * Caves check if it's a solid surface * Plains check if its grass or dirt * Water check if its still water * * @param state The Current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param direction The direction relative to the given position the plant wants to be, typically its UP * @param plantable The plant that wants to check * @return True to allow the plant to be planted/stay. */ public boolean canSustainPlant(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing direction, net.minecraftforge.common.IPlantable plantable) { IBlockState plant = plantable.getPlant(world, pos.offset(direction)); net.minecraftforge.common.EnumPlantType plantType = plantable.getPlantType(world, pos.offset(direction)); if (plant.getBlock() == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.CACTUS) { return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.CACTUS || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.SAND; } if (plant.getBlock() == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.REEDS && this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.REEDS) { return true; } if (plantable instanceof BlockBush && ((BlockBush)plantable).canSustainBush(state)) { return true; } switch (plantType) { case Desert: return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.SAND || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.HARDENED_CLAY || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY; case Nether: return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.SOUL_SAND; case Crop: return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.FARMLAND; case Cave: return state.isSideSolid(world, pos, EnumFacing.UP); case Plains: return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.GRASS || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.DIRT || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.FARMLAND; case Water: return state.getMaterial() == Material.WATER && state.getValue(BlockLiquid.LEVEL) == 0; case Beach: boolean isBeach = this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.GRASS || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.DIRT || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.SAND; boolean hasWater = (world.getBlockState(pos.east()).getMaterial() == Material.WATER || world.getBlockState(pos.west()).getMaterial() == Material.WATER || world.getBlockState(pos.north()).getMaterial() == Material.WATER || world.getBlockState(pos.south()).getMaterial() == Material.WATER); return isBeach && hasWater; } return false; } /** * Called when a plant grows on this block, only implemented for saplings using the WorldGen*Trees classes right now. * Modder may implement this for custom plants. * This does not use ForgeDirection, because large/huge trees can be located in non-representable direction, * so the source location is specified. * Currently this just changes the block to dirt if it was grass. * * Note: This happens DURING the generation, the generation may not be complete when this is called. * * @param state The current state * @param world Current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param source Source plant's position in world */ public void onPlantGrow(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos source) { if (this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.GRASS || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.FARMLAND) { world.setBlockState(pos, net.minecraft.init.Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState(), 2); } } /** * Checks if this soil is fertile, typically this means that growth rates * of plants on this soil will be slightly sped up. * Only vanilla case is tilledField when it is within range of water. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return True if the soil should be considered fertile. */ public boolean isFertile(World world, BlockPos pos) { if (this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.FARMLAND) { return ((Integer)world.getBlockState(pos).getValue(BlockFarmland.MOISTURE)) > 0; } return false; } /** * Location aware and overrideable version of the lightOpacity array, * return the number to subtract from the light value when it passes through this block. * * This is not guaranteed to have the tile entity in place before this is called, so it is * Recommended that you have your tile entity call relight after being placed if you * rely on it for light info. * * @param state The Block state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return The amount of light to block, 0 for air, 255 for fully opaque. */ public int getLightOpacity(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return state.getLightOpacity(); } /** * Determines if this block is can be destroyed by the specified entities normal behavior. * * @param state The current state * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @return True to allow the ender dragon to destroy this block */ public boolean canEntityDestroy(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, Entity entity) { if (entity instanceof net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityDragon) { return this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.BARRIER && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.OBSIDIAN && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.END_STONE && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.BEDROCK && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.END_PORTAL && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.END_PORTAL_FRAME && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.COMMAND_BLOCK && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.IRON_BARS && this != net.minecraft.init.Blocks.END_GATEWAY; } else if ((entity instanceof net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityWither) || (entity instanceof net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityWitherSkull)) { return net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityWither.canDestroyBlock(this); } return true; } /** * Determines if this block can be used as the base of a beacon. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param beacon Beacon position in world * @return True, to support the beacon, and make it active with this block. */ public boolean isBeaconBase(IBlockAccess worldObj, BlockPos pos, BlockPos beacon) { return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.EMERALD_BLOCK || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.GOLD_BLOCK || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.DIAMOND_BLOCK || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.IRON_BLOCK; } /** * Rotate the block. For vanilla blocks this rotates around the axis passed in (generally, it should be the "face" that was hit). * Note: for mod blocks, this is up to the block and modder to decide. It is not mandated that it be a rotation around the * face, but could be a rotation to orient *to* that face, or a visiting of possible rotations. * The method should return true if the rotation was successful though. * * @param world The world * @param pos Block position in world * @param axis The axis to rotate around * @return True if the rotation was successful, False if the rotation failed, or is not possible */ public boolean rotateBlock(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing axis) { IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); for (IProperty<?> prop : state.getProperties().keySet()) { if (prop.getName().equals("facing") || prop.getName().equals("rotation")) { world.setBlockState(pos, state.cycleProperty(prop)); return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the rotations that can apply to the block at the specified coordinates. Null means no rotations are possible. * Note, this is up to the block to decide. It may not be accurate or representative. * @param world The world * @param pos Block position in world * @return An array of valid axes to rotate around, or null for none or unknown */ public EnumFacing[] getValidRotations(World world, BlockPos pos) { IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); for (IProperty<?> prop : state.getProperties().keySet()) { if (prop.getName().equals("facing") && prop.getValueClass() == EnumFacing.class) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.Collection<EnumFacing> values = ((java.util.Collection<EnumFacing>)prop.getAllowedValues()); return values.toArray(new EnumFacing[values.size()]); } } return null; } /** * Determines the amount of enchanting power this block can provide to an enchanting table. * @param world The World * @param pos Block position in world * @return The amount of enchanting power this block produces. */ public float getEnchantPowerBonus(World world, BlockPos pos) { return this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.BOOKSHELF ? 1 : 0; } /** * Common way to recolor a block with an external tool * @param world The world * @param pos Block position in world * @param side The side hit with the coloring tool * @param color The color to change to * @return If the recoloring was successful */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public boolean recolorBlock(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side, net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor color) { IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); for (IProperty prop : state.getProperties().keySet()) { if (prop.getName().equals("color") && prop.getValueClass() == net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor.class) { net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor current = (net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor)state.getValue(prop); if (current != color) { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(prop, color)); return true; } } } return false; } /** * Gathers how much experience this block drops when broken. * * @param state The current state * @param world The world * @param pos Block position * @param fortune * @return Amount of XP from breaking this block. */ public int getExpDrop(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) { return 0; } /** * Called when a tile entity on a side of this block changes is created or is destroyed. * @param world The world * @param pos Block position in world * @param neighbor Block position of neighbor */ public void onNeighborChange(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos neighbor){} /** * Called to determine whether to allow the a block to handle its own indirect power rather than using the default rules. * @param world The world * @param pos Block position in world * @param side The INPUT side of the block to be powered - ie the opposite of this block's output side * @return Whether Block#isProvidingWeakPower should be called when determining indirect power */ public boolean shouldCheckWeakPower(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { return state.isNormalCube(); } /** * If this block should be notified of weak changes. * Weak changes are changes 1 block away through a solid block. * Similar to comparators. * * @param world The current world * @param pos Block position in world * @param side The side to check * @return true To be notified of changes */ public boolean getWeakChanges(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return false; } private String[] harvestTool = new String[16];; private int[] harvestLevel = new int[]{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; /** * Sets or removes the tool and level required to harvest this block. * * @param toolClass Class * @param level Harvest level: * Wood: 0 * Stone: 1 * Iron: 2 * Diamond: 3 * Gold: 0 */ public void setHarvestLevel(String toolClass, int level) { java.util.Iterator<IBlockState> itr = getBlockState().getValidStates().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { setHarvestLevel(toolClass, level, itr.next()); } } /** * Sets or removes the tool and level required to harvest this block. * * @param toolClass Class * @param level Harvest level: * Wood: 0 * Stone: 1 * Iron: 2 * Diamond: 3 * Gold: 0 * @param state The specific state. */ public void setHarvestLevel(String toolClass, int level, IBlockState state) { int idx = this.getMetaFromState(state); this.harvestTool[idx] = toolClass; this.harvestLevel[idx] = level; } /** * Queries the class of tool required to harvest this block, if null is returned * we assume that anything can harvest this block. */ public String getHarvestTool(IBlockState state) { return harvestTool[getMetaFromState(state)]; } /** * Queries the harvest level of this item stack for the specified tool class, * Returns -1 if this tool is not of the specified type * * @param stack This item stack instance * @return Harvest level, or -1 if not the specified tool type. */ public int getHarvestLevel(IBlockState state) { return harvestLevel[getMetaFromState(state)]; } /** * Checks if the specified tool type is efficient on this block, * meaning that it digs at full speed. */ public boolean isToolEffective(String type, IBlockState state) { if ("pickaxe".equals(type) && (this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.REDSTONE_ORE || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.LIT_REDSTONE_ORE || this == net.minecraft.init.Blocks.OBSIDIAN)) return false; return type != null && type.equals(getHarvestTool(state)); } /** * Can return IExtendedBlockState */ public IBlockState getExtendedState(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return state; } /** * Called when the entity is inside this block, may be used to determined if the entity can breathing, * display material overlays, or if the entity can swim inside a block. * * @param world that is being tested. * @param blockpos position thats being tested. * @param iblockstate state at world/blockpos * @param entity that is being tested. * @param yToTest, primarily for testingHead, which sends the the eye level of the entity, other wise it sends a y that can be tested vs liquid height. * @param materialIn to test for. * @param testingHead when true, its testing the entities head for vision, breathing ect... otherwise its testing the body, for swimming and movement adjustment. * @return null for default behavior, true if the entity is within the material, false if it was not. */ public Boolean isEntityInsideMaterial(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos blockpos, IBlockState iblockstate, Entity entity, double yToTest, Material materialIn, boolean testingHead) { return null; } /** * Called when boats or fishing hooks are inside the block to check if they are inside * the material requested. * * @param world world that is being tested. * @param pos block thats being tested. * @param boundingBox box to test, generally the bounds of an entity that are besting tested. * @param materialIn to check for. * @return null for default behavior, true if the box is within the material, false if it was not. */ public Boolean isAABBInsideMaterial(World world, BlockPos pos, AxisAlignedBB boundingBox, Material materialIn) { return null; } /** * Queries if this block should render in a given layer. * ISmartBlockModel can use {@link MinecraftForgeClient#getRenderLayer()} to alter their model based on layer. * * @deprecated New method with state sensitivity: {@link #canRenderInLayer(IBlockState, BlockRenderLayer)} */ @Deprecated public boolean canRenderInLayer(BlockRenderLayer layer) { return getBlockLayer() == layer; } /** * Queries if this block should render in a given layer. * ISmartBlockModel can use {@link MinecraftForgeClient#getRenderLayer()} to alter their model based on layer. */ public boolean canRenderInLayer(IBlockState state, BlockRenderLayer layer) { return canRenderInLayer(layer); } // For Internal use only to capture droped items inside getDrops protected static ThreadLocal<Boolean> captureDrops = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() { @Override protected Boolean initialValue() { return false; } }; protected static ThreadLocal<List<ItemStack>> capturedDrops = new ThreadLocal<List<ItemStack>>() { @Override protected List<ItemStack> initialValue() { return new java.util.ArrayList<ItemStack>(); } }; protected List<ItemStack> captureDrops(boolean start) { if (start) { captureDrops.set(true); capturedDrops.get().clear(); return null; } else { captureDrops.set(false); return capturedDrops.get(); } } /** * Add information to the blocks tooltip, called from the default implementation of {@link ItemBlock#addInformation(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, List, boolean)} * @param stack The stack the tooltip is being retrieved for * @param player The player retrieving the tooltip * @param tooltip The lines to be displayed on the tooltip * @param advanced If the client has advanced debug tooltips enabled */ public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List<String> tooltip, boolean advanced) { } /** * Sensitive version of getSoundType * @param state The state * @param world The world * @param pos The position. Note that the world may not necessarily have {@code state} here! * @param entity The entity that is breaking/stepping on/placing/hitting/falling on this block, or null if no entity is in this context * @return A SoundType to use */ public SoundType getSoundType(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity entity) { return getSoundType(); } /** * @param state The state * @param world The world * @param pos The position of this state * @param beaconPos The position of the beacon * @return A float RGB [0.0, 1.0] array to be averaged with a beacon's existing beam color, or null to do nothing to the beam */ @Nullable public float[] getBeaconColorMultiplier(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos beaconPos) { return null; } /** * Gets the {@link IBlockState} to place * @param world The world the block is being placed in * @param pos The position the block is being placed at * @param facing The side the block is being placed on * @param hitX The X coordinate of the hit vector * @param hitY The Y coordinate of the hit vector * @param hitZ The Z coordinate of the hit vector * @param meta The metadata of {@link ItemStack} as processed by {@link Item#getMetadata(int)} * @param placer The entity placing the block * @param stack The stack being used to place this block * @return The state to be placed in the world */ public IBlockState getStateForPlacement(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta, EntityLivingBase placer, ItemStack stack) { return onBlockPlaced(world, pos, facing, hitX, hitY, hitZ, meta, placer); } /* ========================================= FORGE END ======================================*/ public static void registerBlocks() { registerBlock(0, AIR_ID, (new BlockAir()).setUnlocalizedName("air")); registerBlock(1, "stone", (new BlockStone()).setHardness(1.5F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stone")); registerBlock(2, "grass", (new BlockGrass()).setHardness(0.6F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("grass")); registerBlock(3, "dirt", (new BlockDirt()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.GROUND).setUnlocalizedName("dirt")); Block block = (new Block(Material.ROCK)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stonebrick").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS); registerBlock(4, "cobblestone", block); Block block1 = (new BlockPlanks()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("wood"); registerBlock(5, "planks", block1); registerBlock(6, "sapling", (new BlockSapling()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("sapling")); registerBlock(7, "bedrock", (new BlockEmptyDrops(Material.ROCK)).setBlockUnbreakable().setResistance(6000000.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("bedrock").disableStats().setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(8, "flowing_water", (new BlockDynamicLiquid(Material.WATER)).setHardness(100.0F).setLightOpacity(3).setUnlocalizedName("water").disableStats()); registerBlock(9, "water", (new BlockStaticLiquid(Material.WATER)).setHardness(100.0F).setLightOpacity(3).setUnlocalizedName("water").disableStats()); registerBlock(10, "flowing_lava", (new BlockDynamicLiquid(Material.LAVA)).setHardness(100.0F).setLightLevel(1.0F).setUnlocalizedName("lava").disableStats()); registerBlock(11, "lava", (new BlockStaticLiquid(Material.LAVA)).setHardness(100.0F).setLightLevel(1.0F).setUnlocalizedName("lava").disableStats()); registerBlock(12, "sand", (new BlockSand()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.SAND).setUnlocalizedName("sand")); registerBlock(13, "gravel", (new BlockGravel()).setHardness(0.6F).setSoundType(SoundType.GROUND).setUnlocalizedName("gravel")); registerBlock(14, "gold_ore", (new BlockOre()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreGold")); registerBlock(15, "iron_ore", (new BlockOre()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreIron")); registerBlock(16, "coal_ore", (new BlockOre()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreCoal")); registerBlock(17, "log", (new BlockOldLog()).setUnlocalizedName("log")); registerBlock(18, "leaves", (new BlockOldLeaf()).setUnlocalizedName("leaves")); registerBlock(19, "sponge", (new BlockSponge()).setHardness(0.6F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("sponge")); registerBlock(20, "glass", (new BlockGlass(Material.GLASS, false)).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("glass")); registerBlock(21, "lapis_ore", (new BlockOre()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreLapis")); registerBlock(22, "lapis_block", (new Block(Material.IRON, MapColor.LAPIS)).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("blockLapis").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(23, "dispenser", (new BlockDispenser()).setHardness(3.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("dispenser")); Block block2 = (new BlockSandStone()).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setHardness(0.8F).setUnlocalizedName("sandStone"); registerBlock(24, "sandstone", block2); registerBlock(25, "noteblock", (new BlockNote()).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setHardness(0.8F).setUnlocalizedName("musicBlock")); registerBlock(26, "bed", (new BlockBed()).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setHardness(0.2F).setUnlocalizedName("bed").disableStats()); registerBlock(27, "golden_rail", (new BlockRailPowered()).setHardness(0.7F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("goldenRail")); registerBlock(28, "detector_rail", (new BlockRailDetector()).setHardness(0.7F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("detectorRail")); registerBlock(29, "sticky_piston", (new BlockPistonBase(true)).setUnlocalizedName("pistonStickyBase")); registerBlock(30, "web", (new BlockWeb()).setLightOpacity(1).setHardness(4.0F).setUnlocalizedName("web")); registerBlock(31, "tallgrass", (new BlockTallGrass()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("tallgrass")); registerBlock(32, "deadbush", (new BlockDeadBush()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("deadbush")); registerBlock(33, "piston", (new BlockPistonBase(false)).setUnlocalizedName("pistonBase")); registerBlock(34, "piston_head", (new BlockPistonExtension()).setUnlocalizedName("pistonBase")); registerBlock(35, "wool", (new BlockColored(Material.CLOTH)).setHardness(0.8F).setSoundType(SoundType.CLOTH).setUnlocalizedName("cloth")); registerBlock(36, "piston_extension", new BlockPistonMoving()); registerBlock(37, "yellow_flower", (new BlockYellowFlower()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("flower1")); registerBlock(38, "red_flower", (new BlockRedFlower()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("flower2")); Block block3 = (new BlockMushroom()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setLightLevel(0.125F).setUnlocalizedName("mushroom"); registerBlock(39, "brown_mushroom", block3); Block block4 = (new BlockMushroom()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("mushroom"); registerBlock(40, "red_mushroom", block4); registerBlock(41, "gold_block", (new Block(Material.IRON, MapColor.GOLD)).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("blockGold").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(42, "iron_block", (new Block(Material.IRON, MapColor.IRON)).setHardness(5.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("blockIron").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(43, "double_stone_slab", (new BlockDoubleStoneSlab()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stoneSlab")); registerBlock(44, "stone_slab", (new BlockHalfStoneSlab()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stoneSlab")); Block block5 = (new Block(Material.ROCK, MapColor.RED)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("brick").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS); registerBlock(45, "brick_block", block5); registerBlock(46, "tnt", (new BlockTNT()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("tnt")); registerBlock(47, "bookshelf", (new BlockBookshelf()).setHardness(1.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("bookshelf")); registerBlock(48, "mossy_cobblestone", (new Block(Material.ROCK)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stoneMoss").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(49, "obsidian", (new BlockObsidian()).setHardness(50.0F).setResistance(2000.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("obsidian")); registerBlock(50, "torch", (new BlockTorch()).setHardness(0.0F).setLightLevel(0.9375F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("torch")); registerBlock(51, "fire", (new BlockFire()).setHardness(0.0F).setLightLevel(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.CLOTH).setUnlocalizedName("fire").disableStats()); registerBlock(52, "mob_spawner", (new BlockMobSpawner()).setHardness(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("mobSpawner").disableStats()); registerBlock(53, "oak_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block1.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsWood")); registerBlock(54, "chest", (new BlockChest(BlockChest.Type.BASIC)).setHardness(2.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("chest")); registerBlock(55, "redstone_wire", (new BlockRedstoneWire()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneDust").disableStats()); registerBlock(56, "diamond_ore", (new BlockOre()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreDiamond")); registerBlock(57, "diamond_block", (new Block(Material.IRON, MapColor.DIAMOND)).setHardness(5.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("blockDiamond").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(58, "crafting_table", (new BlockWorkbench()).setHardness(2.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("workbench")); registerBlock(59, "wheat", (new BlockCrops()).setUnlocalizedName("crops")); Block block6 = (new BlockFarmland()).setHardness(0.6F).setSoundType(SoundType.GROUND).setUnlocalizedName("farmland"); registerBlock(60, "farmland", block6); registerBlock(61, "furnace", (new BlockFurnace(false)).setHardness(3.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("furnace").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.DECORATIONS)); registerBlock(62, "lit_furnace", (new BlockFurnace(true)).setHardness(3.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setLightLevel(0.875F).setUnlocalizedName("furnace")); registerBlock(63, "standing_sign", (new BlockStandingSign()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("sign").disableStats()); registerBlock(64, "wooden_door", (new BlockDoor(Material.WOOD)).setHardness(3.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("doorOak").disableStats()); registerBlock(65, "ladder", (new BlockLadder()).setHardness(0.4F).setSoundType(SoundType.LADDER).setUnlocalizedName("ladder")); registerBlock(66, "rail", (new BlockRail()).setHardness(0.7F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("rail")); registerBlock(67, "stone_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block.getDefaultState())).setUnlocalizedName("stairsStone")); registerBlock(68, "wall_sign", (new BlockWallSign()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("sign").disableStats()); registerBlock(69, "lever", (new BlockLever()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("lever")); registerBlock(70, "stone_pressure_plate", (new BlockPressurePlate(Material.ROCK, BlockPressurePlate.Sensitivity.MOBS)).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("pressurePlateStone")); registerBlock(71, "iron_door", (new BlockDoor(Material.IRON)).setHardness(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("doorIron").disableStats()); registerBlock(72, "wooden_pressure_plate", (new BlockPressurePlate(Material.WOOD, BlockPressurePlate.Sensitivity.EVERYTHING)).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("pressurePlateWood")); registerBlock(73, "redstone_ore", (new BlockRedstoneOre(false)).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreRedstone").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(74, "lit_redstone_ore", (new BlockRedstoneOre(true)).setLightLevel(0.625F).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreRedstone")); registerBlock(75, "unlit_redstone_torch", (new BlockRedstoneTorch(false)).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("notGate")); registerBlock(76, "redstone_torch", (new BlockRedstoneTorch(true)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightLevel(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("notGate").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.REDSTONE)); registerBlock(77, "stone_button", (new BlockButtonStone()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("button")); registerBlock(78, "snow_layer", (new BlockSnow()).setHardness(0.1F).setSoundType(SoundType.SNOW).setUnlocalizedName("snow").setLightOpacity(0)); registerBlock(79, "ice", (new BlockIce()).setHardness(0.5F).setLightOpacity(3).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("ice")); registerBlock(80, "snow", (new BlockSnowBlock()).setHardness(0.2F).setSoundType(SoundType.SNOW).setUnlocalizedName("snow")); registerBlock(81, "cactus", (new BlockCactus()).setHardness(0.4F).setSoundType(SoundType.CLOTH).setUnlocalizedName("cactus")); registerBlock(82, "clay", (new BlockClay()).setHardness(0.6F).setSoundType(SoundType.GROUND).setUnlocalizedName("clay")); registerBlock(83, "reeds", (new BlockReed()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("reeds").disableStats()); registerBlock(84, "jukebox", (new BlockJukebox()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("jukebox")); registerBlock(85, "fence", (new BlockFence(Material.WOOD, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK.getMapColor())).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("fence")); Block block7 = (new BlockPumpkin()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("pumpkin"); registerBlock(86, "pumpkin", block7); registerBlock(87, "netherrack", (new BlockNetherrack()).setHardness(0.4F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("hellrock")); registerBlock(88, "soul_sand", (new BlockSoulSand()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.SAND).setUnlocalizedName("hellsand")); registerBlock(89, "glowstone", (new BlockGlowstone(Material.GLASS)).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setLightLevel(1.0F).setUnlocalizedName("lightgem")); registerBlock(90, "portal", (new BlockPortal()).setHardness(-1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setLightLevel(0.75F).setUnlocalizedName("portal")); registerBlock(91, "lit_pumpkin", (new BlockPumpkin()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setLightLevel(1.0F).setUnlocalizedName("litpumpkin")); registerBlock(92, "cake", (new BlockCake()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.CLOTH).setUnlocalizedName("cake").disableStats()); registerBlock(93, "unpowered_repeater", (new BlockRedstoneRepeater(false)).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("diode").disableStats()); registerBlock(94, "powered_repeater", (new BlockRedstoneRepeater(true)).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("diode").disableStats()); registerBlock(95, "stained_glass", (new BlockStainedGlass(Material.GLASS)).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("stainedGlass")); registerBlock(96, "trapdoor", (new BlockTrapDoor(Material.WOOD)).setHardness(3.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("trapdoor").disableStats()); registerBlock(97, "monster_egg", (new BlockSilverfish()).setHardness(0.75F).setUnlocalizedName("monsterStoneEgg")); Block block8 = (new BlockStoneBrick()).setHardness(1.5F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stonebricksmooth"); registerBlock(98, "stonebrick", block8); registerBlock(99, "brown_mushroom_block", (new BlockHugeMushroom(Material.WOOD, MapColor.DIRT, block3)).setHardness(0.2F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("mushroom")); registerBlock(100, "red_mushroom_block", (new BlockHugeMushroom(Material.WOOD, MapColor.RED, block4)).setHardness(0.2F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("mushroom")); registerBlock(101, "iron_bars", (new BlockPane(Material.IRON, true)).setHardness(5.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("fenceIron")); registerBlock(102, "glass_pane", (new BlockPane(Material.GLASS, false)).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("thinGlass")); Block block9 = (new BlockMelon()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("melon"); registerBlock(103, "melon_block", block9); registerBlock(104, "pumpkin_stem", (new BlockStem(block7)).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("pumpkinStem")); registerBlock(105, "melon_stem", (new BlockStem(block9)).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("pumpkinStem")); registerBlock(106, "vine", (new BlockVine()).setHardness(0.2F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("vine")); registerBlock(107, "fence_gate", (new BlockFenceGate(BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("fenceGate")); registerBlock(108, "brick_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block5.getDefaultState())).setUnlocalizedName("stairsBrick")); registerBlock(109, "stone_brick_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block8.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStoneBrick.VARIANT, BlockStoneBrick.EnumType.DEFAULT))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsStoneBrickSmooth")); registerBlock(110, "mycelium", (new BlockMycelium()).setHardness(0.6F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("mycel")); registerBlock(111, "waterlily", (new BlockLilyPad()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("waterlily")); Block block10 = (new BlockNetherBrick()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("netherBrick").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS); registerBlock(112, "nether_brick", block10); registerBlock(113, "nether_brick_fence", (new BlockFence(Material.ROCK, MapColor.NETHERRACK)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("netherFence")); registerBlock(114, "nether_brick_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block10.getDefaultState())).setUnlocalizedName("stairsNetherBrick")); registerBlock(115, "nether_wart", (new BlockNetherWart()).setUnlocalizedName("netherStalk")); registerBlock(116, "enchanting_table", (new BlockEnchantmentTable()).setHardness(5.0F).setResistance(2000.0F).setUnlocalizedName("enchantmentTable")); registerBlock(117, "brewing_stand", (new BlockBrewingStand()).setHardness(0.5F).setLightLevel(0.125F).setUnlocalizedName("brewingStand")); registerBlock(118, "cauldron", (new BlockCauldron()).setHardness(2.0F).setUnlocalizedName("cauldron")); registerBlock(119, "end_portal", (new BlockEndPortal(Material.PORTAL)).setHardness(-1.0F).setResistance(6000000.0F)); registerBlock(120, "end_portal_frame", (new BlockEndPortalFrame()).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setLightLevel(0.125F).setHardness(-1.0F).setUnlocalizedName("endPortalFrame").setResistance(6000000.0F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.DECORATIONS)); registerBlock(121, "end_stone", (new Block(Material.ROCK, MapColor.SAND)).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(15.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("whiteStone").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(122, "dragon_egg", (new BlockDragonEgg()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(15.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setLightLevel(0.125F).setUnlocalizedName("dragonEgg")); registerBlock(123, "redstone_lamp", (new BlockRedstoneLight(false)).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneLight").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.REDSTONE)); registerBlock(124, "lit_redstone_lamp", (new BlockRedstoneLight(true)).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneLight")); registerBlock(125, "double_wooden_slab", (new BlockDoubleWoodSlab()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("woodSlab")); registerBlock(126, "wooden_slab", (new BlockHalfWoodSlab()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("woodSlab")); registerBlock(127, "cocoa", (new BlockCocoa()).setHardness(0.2F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("cocoa")); registerBlock(128, "sandstone_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block2.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockSandStone.TYPE, BlockSandStone.EnumType.SMOOTH))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsSandStone")); registerBlock(129, "emerald_ore", (new BlockOre()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("oreEmerald")); registerBlock(130, "ender_chest", (new BlockEnderChest()).setHardness(22.5F).setResistance(1000.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("enderChest").setLightLevel(0.5F)); registerBlock(131, "tripwire_hook", (new BlockTripWireHook()).setUnlocalizedName("tripWireSource")); registerBlock(132, "tripwire", (new BlockTripWire()).setUnlocalizedName("tripWire")); registerBlock(133, "emerald_block", (new Block(Material.IRON, MapColor.EMERALD)).setHardness(5.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("blockEmerald").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(134, "spruce_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block1.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.SPRUCE))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsWoodSpruce")); registerBlock(135, "birch_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block1.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.BIRCH))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsWoodBirch")); registerBlock(136, "jungle_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block1.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.JUNGLE))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsWoodJungle")); registerBlock(137, "command_block", (new BlockCommandBlock(MapColor.BROWN)).setBlockUnbreakable().setResistance(6000000.0F).setUnlocalizedName("commandBlock")); registerBlock(138, "beacon", (new BlockBeacon()).setUnlocalizedName("beacon").setLightLevel(1.0F)); registerBlock(139, "cobblestone_wall", (new BlockWall(block)).setUnlocalizedName("cobbleWall")); registerBlock(140, "flower_pot", (new BlockFlowerPot()).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("flowerPot")); registerBlock(141, "carrots", (new BlockCarrot()).setUnlocalizedName("carrots")); registerBlock(142, "potatoes", (new BlockPotato()).setUnlocalizedName("potatoes")); registerBlock(143, "wooden_button", (new BlockButtonWood()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("button")); registerBlock(144, "skull", (new BlockSkull()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("skull")); registerBlock(145, "anvil", (new BlockAnvil()).setHardness(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.ANVIL).setResistance(2000.0F).setUnlocalizedName("anvil")); registerBlock(146, "trapped_chest", (new BlockChest(BlockChest.Type.TRAP)).setHardness(2.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("chestTrap")); registerBlock(147, "light_weighted_pressure_plate", (new BlockPressurePlateWeighted(Material.IRON, 15, MapColor.GOLD)).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("weightedPlate_light")); registerBlock(148, "heavy_weighted_pressure_plate", (new BlockPressurePlateWeighted(Material.IRON, 150)).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("weightedPlate_heavy")); registerBlock(149, "unpowered_comparator", (new BlockRedstoneComparator(false)).setHardness(0.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("comparator").disableStats()); registerBlock(150, "powered_comparator", (new BlockRedstoneComparator(true)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightLevel(0.625F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("comparator").disableStats()); registerBlock(151, "daylight_detector", new BlockDaylightDetector(false)); registerBlock(152, "redstone_block", (new BlockCompressedPowered(Material.IRON, MapColor.TNT)).setHardness(5.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("blockRedstone").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.REDSTONE)); registerBlock(153, "quartz_ore", (new BlockOre(MapColor.NETHERRACK)).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("netherquartz")); registerBlock(154, "hopper", (new BlockHopper()).setHardness(3.0F).setResistance(8.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("hopper")); Block block11 = (new BlockQuartz()).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setHardness(0.8F).setUnlocalizedName("quartzBlock"); registerBlock(155, "quartz_block", block11); registerBlock(156, "quartz_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block11.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockQuartz.VARIANT, BlockQuartz.EnumType.DEFAULT))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsQuartz")); registerBlock(157, "activator_rail", (new BlockRailPowered()).setHardness(0.7F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("activatorRail")); registerBlock(158, "dropper", (new BlockDropper()).setHardness(3.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("dropper")); registerBlock(159, "stained_hardened_clay", (new BlockColored(Material.ROCK)).setHardness(1.25F).setResistance(7.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("clayHardenedStained")); registerBlock(160, "stained_glass_pane", (new BlockStainedGlassPane()).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("thinStainedGlass")); registerBlock(161, "leaves2", (new BlockNewLeaf()).setUnlocalizedName("leaves")); registerBlock(162, "log2", (new BlockNewLog()).setUnlocalizedName("log")); registerBlock(163, "acacia_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block1.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.ACACIA))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsWoodAcacia")); registerBlock(164, "dark_oak_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block1.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.DARK_OAK))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsWoodDarkOak")); registerBlock(165, "slime", (new BlockSlime()).setUnlocalizedName("slime").setSoundType(SoundType.SLIME)); registerBlock(166, "barrier", (new BlockBarrier()).setUnlocalizedName("barrier")); registerBlock(167, "iron_trapdoor", (new BlockTrapDoor(Material.IRON)).setHardness(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.METAL).setUnlocalizedName("ironTrapdoor").disableStats()); registerBlock(168, "prismarine", (new BlockPrismarine()).setHardness(1.5F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("prismarine")); registerBlock(169, "sea_lantern", (new BlockSeaLantern(Material.GLASS)).setHardness(0.3F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setLightLevel(1.0F).setUnlocalizedName("seaLantern")); registerBlock(170, "hay_block", (new BlockHay()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("hayBlock").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(171, "carpet", (new BlockCarpet()).setHardness(0.1F).setSoundType(SoundType.CLOTH).setUnlocalizedName("woolCarpet").setLightOpacity(0)); registerBlock(172, "hardened_clay", (new BlockHardenedClay()).setHardness(1.25F).setResistance(7.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("clayHardened")); registerBlock(173, "coal_block", (new Block(Material.ROCK, MapColor.BLACK)).setHardness(5.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("blockCoal").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(174, "packed_ice", (new BlockPackedIce()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("icePacked")); registerBlock(175, "double_plant", new BlockDoublePlant()); registerBlock(176, "standing_banner", (new BlockBanner.BlockBannerStanding()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("banner").disableStats()); registerBlock(177, "wall_banner", (new BlockBanner.BlockBannerHanging()).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("banner").disableStats()); registerBlock(178, "daylight_detector_inverted", new BlockDaylightDetector(true)); Block block12 = (new BlockRedSandstone()).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setHardness(0.8F).setUnlocalizedName("redSandStone"); registerBlock(179, "red_sandstone", block12); registerBlock(180, "red_sandstone_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block12.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockRedSandstone.TYPE, BlockRedSandstone.EnumType.SMOOTH))).setUnlocalizedName("stairsRedSandStone")); registerBlock(181, "double_stone_slab2", (new BlockDoubleStoneSlabNew()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stoneSlab2")); registerBlock(182, "stone_slab2", (new BlockHalfStoneSlabNew()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("stoneSlab2")); registerBlock(183, "spruce_fence_gate", (new BlockFenceGate(BlockPlanks.EnumType.SPRUCE)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("spruceFenceGate")); registerBlock(184, "birch_fence_gate", (new BlockFenceGate(BlockPlanks.EnumType.BIRCH)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("birchFenceGate")); registerBlock(185, "jungle_fence_gate", (new BlockFenceGate(BlockPlanks.EnumType.JUNGLE)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("jungleFenceGate")); registerBlock(186, "dark_oak_fence_gate", (new BlockFenceGate(BlockPlanks.EnumType.DARK_OAK)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("darkOakFenceGate")); registerBlock(187, "acacia_fence_gate", (new BlockFenceGate(BlockPlanks.EnumType.ACACIA)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("acaciaFenceGate")); registerBlock(188, "spruce_fence", (new BlockFence(Material.WOOD, BlockPlanks.EnumType.SPRUCE.getMapColor())).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("spruceFence")); registerBlock(189, "birch_fence", (new BlockFence(Material.WOOD, BlockPlanks.EnumType.BIRCH.getMapColor())).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("birchFence")); registerBlock(190, "jungle_fence", (new BlockFence(Material.WOOD, BlockPlanks.EnumType.JUNGLE.getMapColor())).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("jungleFence")); registerBlock(191, "dark_oak_fence", (new BlockFence(Material.WOOD, BlockPlanks.EnumType.DARK_OAK.getMapColor())).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("darkOakFence")); registerBlock(192, "acacia_fence", (new BlockFence(Material.WOOD, BlockPlanks.EnumType.ACACIA.getMapColor())).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("acaciaFence")); registerBlock(193, "spruce_door", (new BlockDoor(Material.WOOD)).setHardness(3.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("doorSpruce").disableStats()); registerBlock(194, "birch_door", (new BlockDoor(Material.WOOD)).setHardness(3.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("doorBirch").disableStats()); registerBlock(195, "jungle_door", (new BlockDoor(Material.WOOD)).setHardness(3.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("doorJungle").disableStats()); registerBlock(196, "acacia_door", (new BlockDoor(Material.WOOD)).setHardness(3.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("doorAcacia").disableStats()); registerBlock(197, "dark_oak_door", (new BlockDoor(Material.WOOD)).setHardness(3.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("doorDarkOak").disableStats()); registerBlock(198, "end_rod", (new BlockEndRod()).setHardness(0.0F).setLightLevel(0.9375F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("endRod")); registerBlock(199, "chorus_plant", (new BlockChorusPlant()).setHardness(0.4F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("chorusPlant")); registerBlock(200, "chorus_flower", (new BlockChorusFlower()).setHardness(0.4F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("chorusFlower")); Block block13 = (new Block(Material.ROCK)).setHardness(1.5F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS).setUnlocalizedName("purpurBlock"); registerBlock(201, "purpur_block", block13); registerBlock(202, "purpur_pillar", (new BlockRotatedPillar(Material.ROCK)).setHardness(1.5F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS).setUnlocalizedName("purpurPillar")); registerBlock(203, "purpur_stairs", (new BlockStairs(block13.getDefaultState())).setUnlocalizedName("stairsPurpur")); registerBlock(204, "purpur_double_slab", (new BlockPurpurSlab.Double()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("purpurSlab")); registerBlock(205, "purpur_slab", (new BlockPurpurSlab.Half()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("purpurSlab")); registerBlock(206, "end_bricks", (new Block(Material.ROCK)).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setHardness(0.8F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS).setUnlocalizedName("endBricks")); registerBlock(207, "beetroots", (new BlockBeetroot()).setUnlocalizedName("beetroots")); Block block14 = (new BlockGrassPath()).setHardness(0.65F).setSoundType(SoundType.PLANT).setUnlocalizedName("grassPath").disableStats(); registerBlock(208, "grass_path", block14); registerBlock(209, "end_gateway", (new BlockEndGateway(Material.PORTAL)).setHardness(-1.0F).setResistance(6000000.0F)); registerBlock(210, "repeating_command_block", (new BlockCommandBlock(MapColor.PURPLE)).setBlockUnbreakable().setResistance(6000000.0F).setUnlocalizedName("repeatingCommandBlock")); registerBlock(211, "chain_command_block", (new BlockCommandBlock(MapColor.GREEN)).setBlockUnbreakable().setResistance(6000000.0F).setUnlocalizedName("chainCommandBlock")); registerBlock(212, "frosted_ice", (new BlockFrostedIce()).setHardness(0.5F).setLightOpacity(3).setSoundType(SoundType.GLASS).setUnlocalizedName("frostedIce")); registerBlock(213, "magma", (new BlockMagma()).setHardness(0.5F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("magma")); registerBlock(214, "nether_wart_block", (new Block(Material.GRASS, MapColor.RED)).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS).setHardness(1.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.WOOD).setUnlocalizedName("netherWartBlock")); registerBlock(215, "red_nether_brick", (new BlockNetherBrick()).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10.0F).setSoundType(SoundType.STONE).setUnlocalizedName("redNetherBrick").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.BUILDING_BLOCKS)); registerBlock(216, "bone_block", (new BlockBone()).setUnlocalizedName("boneBlock")); registerBlock(217, "structure_void", (new BlockStructureVoid()).setUnlocalizedName("structureVoid")); registerBlock(255, "structure_block", (new BlockStructure()).setBlockUnbreakable().setResistance(6000000.0F).setUnlocalizedName("structureBlock")); REGISTRY.validateKey(); for (Block block15 : REGISTRY) { if (block15.blockMaterial == Material.AIR) { block15.useNeighborBrightness = false; } else { boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = block15 instanceof BlockStairs; boolean flag2 = block15 instanceof BlockSlab; boolean flag3 = block15 == block6 || block15 == block14; boolean flag4 = block15.translucent; boolean flag5 = block15.lightOpacity == 0; if (flag1 || flag2 || flag3 || flag4 || flag5) { flag = true; } block15.useNeighborBrightness = flag; } } Set<Block> set = Sets.newHashSet(new Block[] {(Block)REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation("tripwire"))}); for (Block block16 : REGISTRY) { if (set.contains(block16)) { for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { int j = REGISTRY.getIDForObject(block16) << 4 | i; BLOCK_STATE_IDS.put(block16.getStateFromMeta(i), j); } } else { // Handled in GameData.BlockCallbacks - leaving tripwire as it seems to be special cased } } } private static void registerBlock(int id, ResourceLocation textualID, Block block_) { REGISTRY.register(id, textualID, block_); } private static void registerBlock(int id, String textualID, Block block_) { registerBlock(id, new ResourceLocation(textualID), block_); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static enum EnumOffsetType { NONE, XZ, XYZ; } }
de ton cave block pas celle de forge meme si ca peut mêttre utile
@DailyCraft Ahh bah non j’ai pas de classe pour mon cave block je l’ai fait avec les autres blocs
mais nonnnnnnn tu créer une nouvelle class juste pour lui puis tu importe Block puis tu creer le constructeur puis après tu sort du constructeur puis tu marque opaque il va te proposer isOpaqueCube puis après tu return true au lieu de faulse mais sinon attends demain je regarder de mon coter et je t’enverrai le truc en entier qui marche bien
@DailyCraft Donc au lieu de faire
xray_block = new block
je fais :
xray_block = new xray_block
et je creer la classe xray_block
package fr.antotor.speely.block; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; public class Xray_block extends Block { public Xray_block(Material materialIn) { super(materialIn); } }
Ca fais cb de temps que tu devs le java ? car il est préférable de ne pas mettre de underscore mais de l’écrire XrayBlock
@DailyCraft Seulement quelques mois mais oui je le savait c’est juste une erreur tres bete desolé
package fr.antotor.speely.block; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; public class Xrayblock extends Block { public Xrayblock(Material materialIn) { super(materialIn); } @Override public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.isOpaqueCube(state); } }
Et pour éviter de extencier tu peux faire :
public XrayBlock() { super(Block.create(Material.QQCH)) }
@DailyCraft Euhh ca marche pas
Non mais tu mets ce que tu aurais du mettre entre les parenthèses dans la class de tout tes block
Oui il faut ajouter
return false
dedans.Va falloir révoir les bases de java …
@robin4002 du coup la soluce c’est quoi ?
voici mon code :
package com.avonia.mod.init.objects; import com.avonia.mod.Main; import com.avonia.mod.init.BlockInit; import com.avonia.mod.init.ItemInit; import com.avonia.mod.util.IHasModel; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.SoundType; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.util.EnumBlockRenderType; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class BlocXray extends Block implements IHasModel { public BlocXray(String name, Material material) { super(material); setUnlocalizedName(name); setRegistryName(name); setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.COMBAT); BlockInit.BLOCKS.add(this); ItemInit.ITEMS.add(new ItemBlock(this).setRegistryName(this.getRegistryName())); } @Override public void registerModels() { Main.proxy.registerItemRederer(Item.getItemFromBlock(this), 0); } @Override public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) { return false; } }
ça ne fonctionne toujours pas comme ça ?