Plante Stage
Je crée un mod en se moment et ma plante (White) veux pas afficher les stages.
Je ne comprend pas le problème voici le code :- BlockWhiteCulture
public class BlockWhiteCulture extends BlockBush implements IGrowable { @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private IIcon[] icon; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000222"; protected BlockWhiteCulture() { this.setTickRandomly(true); float f = 0.5F; this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f, 0.5F + f, 0.25F, 0.5F + f); this.setCreativeTab((CreativeTabs)null); this.setHardness(0.0F); this.setStepSound(soundTypeGrass); this.disableStats(); } /** * is the block grass, dirt or farmland */ protected boolean canPlaceBlockOn(Block p_149854_1_) { return p_149854_1_ == Blocks.farmland; } /** * Ticks the block if it's been scheduled */ public void updateTick(World world, int p_149674_2_, int p_149674_3_, int p_149674_4_, Random p_149674_5_) { super.updateTick(world, p_149674_2_, p_149674_3_, p_149674_4_, p_149674_5_); if (world.getBlockLightValue(p_149674_2_, p_149674_3_ + 1, p_149674_4_) >= 9) { int l = world.getBlockMetadata(p_149674_2_, p_149674_3_, p_149674_4_); if (l < 7) { float f = this.func_149864_n(world, p_149674_2_, p_149674_3_, p_149674_4_); if (p_149674_5_.nextInt((int)(25.0F / f) + 1) == 0) { ++l; world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(p_149674_2_, p_149674_3_, p_149674_4_, l, 2); } } } } public void func_149863_m(World p_149863_1_, int p_149863_2_, int p_149863_3_, int p_149863_4_) { int l = p_149863_1_.getBlockMetadata(p_149863_2_, p_149863_3_, p_149863_4_) + MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(p_149863_1_.rand, 2, 5); if (l > 7) { l = 7; } p_149863_1_.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(p_149863_2_, p_149863_3_, p_149863_4_, l, 2); } private float func_149864_n(World p_149864_1_, int p_149864_2_, int p_149864_3_, int p_149864_4_) { float f = 1.0F; Block block = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ - 1); Block block1 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ + 1); Block block2 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ - 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_); Block block3 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ + 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_); Block block4 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ - 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ - 1); Block block5 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ + 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ - 1); Block block6 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ + 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ + 1); Block block7 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ - 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ + 1); boolean flag = block2 == this || block3 == this; boolean flag1 = block == this || block1 == this; boolean flag2 = block4 == this || block5 == this || block6 == this || block7 == this; for (int l = p_149864_2_ - 1; l <= p_149864_2_ + 1; ++l) { for (int i1 = p_149864_4_ - 1; i1 <= p_149864_4_ + 1; ++i1) { float f1 = 0.0F; if (p_149864_1_.getBlock(l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1).canSustainPlant(p_149864_1_, l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1, ForgeDirection.UP, this)) { f1 = 1.0F; if (p_149864_1_.getBlock(l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1).isFertile(p_149864_1_, l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1)) { f1 = 3.0F; } } if (l != p_149864_2_ || i1 != p_149864_4_) { f1 /= 4.0F; } f += f1; } } if (flag2 || flag && flag1) { f /= 2.0F; } return f; } /** * Gets the block's texture. Args: side, meta */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(int p_149691_1_, int p_149691_2_) { if (p_149691_2_ < 0 || p_149691_2_ > 7) { p_149691_2_ = 7; } return this.icon[p_149691_2_]; } /** * The type of render function that is called for this block */ public int getRenderType() { return 6; } protected Item func_149866_i() { return ItemMod.xuranium; } protected Item func_149865_P() { return ItemMod.white; } /** * Drops the block items with a specified chance of dropping the specified items */ public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World p_149690_1_, int p_149690_2_, int p_149690_3_, int p_149690_4_, int p_149690_5_, float p_149690_6_, int p_149690_7_) { super.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(p_149690_1_, p_149690_2_, p_149690_3_, p_149690_4_, p_149690_5_, p_149690_6_, 0); } public Item getItemDropped(int p_149650_1_, Random p_149650_2_, int p_149650_3_) { return p_149650_1_ == 7 ? this.func_149865_P() : this.func_149866_i(); } /** * Returns the quantity of items to drop on block destruction. */ public int quantityDropped(Random p_149745_1_) { return 1; } public boolean func_149851_a(World p_149851_1_, int p_149851_2_, int p_149851_3_, int p_149851_4_, boolean p_149851_5_) { return p_149851_1_.getBlockMetadata(p_149851_2_, p_149851_3_, p_149851_4_) != 7; } public boolean func_149852_a(World p_149852_1_, Random p_149852_2_, int p_149852_3_, int p_149852_4_, int p_149852_5_) { return true; } /** * Gets an item for the block being called on. Args: world, x, y, z */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public Item getItem(World p_149694_1_, int p_149694_2_, int p_149694_3_, int p_149694_4_) { return this.func_149866_i(); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister p_149651_1_) { this.icon = new IIcon[8]; for (int i = 0; i < this.icon.length; ++i) { this.icon[i] = p_149651_1_.registerIcon(this.getTextureName() + "_stage_" + i); } } public void func_149853_b(World p_149853_1_, Random p_149853_2_, int p_149853_3_, int p_149853_4_, int p_149853_5_) { this.func_149863_m(p_149853_1_, p_149853_3_, p_149853_4_, p_149853_5_); } - Block Mod
white_crop = new BlockWhiteCulture().setBlockName("white_crop").setBlockTextureName("white"); - Graine
xuranium = new ItemSeedsWhite(BlockMod.white_crop, Blocks.farmland).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials).setTextureName(Reference.MODID + ":xuranium").setUnlocalizedName("xuranium"); -
La section “serveur moddé” est réservé à la présentation de serveur, une demande d’aide n’y a donc pas sa place.
Par ailleurs, nous ne faisons plus aucun support pour la version 1.7, qui est complètement obsolète.
Je ferme donc la discussion et je la déplace dans les archives.